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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Congrats! You've been accepted to join xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  2. Why is your picture a pic of arthman lol
  3. Aegean


    Closed, although he's a jerk, he isn't doing anything wrong, especially not to get banned or to be put on probation.
  4. Aegean


    ROFL YOU ARE SUCH A LOSER! I drink alot when I'm drinking, I don't drink often though. You're just mad you're a lightweight bro.
  5. I just find it ironic how all the admins and mods that you speak of are terrible, yet you are the only one who complains about it, and at the same time also has a bad history with them too. Feel free to record a demo of the mods or admins actually NOT doing anything... I can almost guarantee you won't be able to get any proof unless there's one on in a 30+ room.
  6. Accepted! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  7. Aegean


    Accepted! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  8. Accepted! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  9. Accepted! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  10. Accepted! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  11. Please wait a couple of (weeks) so people can see that you changed. Denied again sorry. ~Closed
  12. Aegean


    Not abuse, you do have a history and it seems all the mods and admins who saw it agree it was not abuse. ~closed
  13. Aegean


    Spamming is stupid, please don't spam. Another thing, you obviously don't have good relationship with rabid since you both have a bad history, yet you copied his binds even though you know it ♥♥♥♥♥♥ him off... seriously? Anyways the disrespect from rabid was also unjust. I'm removing your ban unless it's already expired, stop using his binds since it'll just help stop flame wars in the future, and don't spam binds at all. ~Closed
  14. Aegean


    inb4 I ban all of you
  15. Aegean

    Lord Lemon

    Sorryy, no proof so I can't do anything :/ I'm sure the mods and admins will watch over him though, thanks. ~Closed
  16. Whichever mod or admin you see on, tell them to un-ctban you :) . You can direct them to this thread if they don't believe you. ~Closed
  17. Counter-Strike Source Member Promotions Mullin to Moderator Moderator Promotions Papi to Admin Moderator Demotions Ben to Member Team Fortress 2 Member Promotions Llama to Moderator Moderator Promotions Sunny to Admin Arthman from CSS Admin to TF2 Admin Please post your Steam ID's if you got promoted thanks! Remember to stay active in the forums, teamspeak and servers to have a chance to be promoted next week !
  18. VODKA ALL THE WAY! No one can beat me in drinking, ya hurrd? btw closed you losers
  19. You can say "when I type go" as long as you don't try to tarp by saying "okay go." and then type it 20 seconds later or something. I talked to King J, he thought it was considered as a text command, but everything is straightened out now.
  20. Aegean


    I'll definitly unban, I know things happen haha :P Be careful next time :)
  21. Congrats! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  22. Aegean


    Congrats! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  23. +1 Congrats! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  24. Congrats! You have been declined to join xG! Please re-apply in a couple of weeks if you'd like to be a member of our community !
  25. I'll accept him, we need more members in our TF2 Division! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!