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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Wow, finally someone who brings proof. Unbanned, sorry for the inconvenience :)
  2. You're mean, and you abuse caboose all the time! I had to make everyone's restriction 0 so I can punish you for all the aboose.
  3. Oh My God... Posting these threads without proof is gonna drive me insane. I WILL START FORUM BANNING FROM NOW ON. GET PROOF OR DON'T POST A THREAD ~Closed
  4. Aegean

    Tarin's Spray

    You guys are very dumb and ignorant sorry to say lol. Two kids kissing is in no way pornographic, or "pedobear" material. They are completely clothed, all you see is their faces, and they are kissing. If this ACTUALLY disturbs you, then I say you should leave the internet to be honest. The spray is pg-13, and you guys are just stating this because they are two males kissing. If it was a male and a female, I guarantee none of you guys would have given 2 ducks with an f about it. ~Closed
  5. I never see you on big boy. ANYWAYS THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN CHEESE, I WILL THINK ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS. Promo - Demo is just next week :) -Side note, Xavien and poncher always abuse me on the servers, and make me feel like poopy :( ANYWAYS CLOSED KTHXBYE
  6. I think we should get a Kim Posible server it is a great game and alot of people own the game. Reply is you like this idea.
  7. This was so racist oh my god! ~closed and shipped to compton
  8. Aegean


    ^ I REALLY HOPE SO TOO! Not abuse... 5 second mute because you were apparently being annoying. I would say I understand the principle of the thing... but it was just 5 seconds. ~Closed
  9. Will add it now thank you :) I can't believe mods/admins don't do it already to be honest haha, but I've seen many not do it. ~Closed
  10. Aegean


    Congrats Jamal! You are now a member of xG! Please put your tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  11. Aegean


    kk first warning to Kevin. I already warned everyone about posting threads without proof. Next time you will be forum banned for a bit. Not only that, from what YOU GUYS have even stated, Nighty was right because you called warden and said freeze after a gun check afk freeze, so they were able to do anything but WASD and look away from the area stated. If you had said "Continue with last warden's orders" then it would have been still an afk freeze. ~Closed
  12. It seems like he got banned before he left, but it should be a perm CT ban till he understands he can't just freekill and get away with it. ~Closed
  13. Aegean


    Quarantine is also now on Probation. As for the flame wars, stop!!!! ~Closed
  14. Aegean


    You do not decide what happens from a ban request silly little mod, and he will be perm banned for blatant disreguard for rules. If he would like to be unbanned, he can read MOTD fully, and post a ban appeal, if not then oh well. ~Closed
  15. For some reason, I have a gut feeling he wasn't aimbotting. I just don't see why he would use his aimbot in our non-populated christmas server, and also try really hard to get unbanned. If he is hacking, I'll take all the blame, but yeah I'm unbanning. He will be carefully watched though, and hopefully demo'd next time just in case there's any dispute. ~Closed
  16. Aegean

    Forum problem

    happened to me in the morning, close and open a new browser and try again, if that doesn't work restart your computer.
  17. Closing before further flame wars, if you'd like to post proof that Rabid abused, feel free to open an admin abuse thread on him with proof, if not you are unbanned at the moment, and so this thread should be closed. ~Closed
  18. I love calling you out on everything. WELL although silence might have said that, you have no right to say he doesn't deserve to be in the clan. Not yours to say, and that is not something a staff member should be saying to a member who was thinking of leaving, come on now.
  19. Feel free to start it on the CSS discussion tab, and then I'll discuss it with the div leaders :)
  20. Aegean


    He's not promoted or declined yet, god poncher your posts make me sad because you are always so wrong
  21. You have been accepted into the xG! Please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  22. All you should be looking for is if they can follow the rules, and if they would be a good addition for our community. Being a warden is not needed to be a member of our clan, and you really shouldn't make people feel like they do.