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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. banned for not having freedom of speech on your FB wall
  2. Arthman


    Wait WHAT? You can ask ANYBODY im not a disrespectfull player. Infact, before you said that. I had alot of respect for you. But it seems you dont like me so maybe i should Finaly do like OTHER and frigging give you hard time. And tell me how the HECK i disrespected you? Im just impressed because i`ve NEVER did something to you. ---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ---------- and sawyer. Take off the tag. You havent been accepted yet and admin might give you hard time for that being a banable offense.
  3. Arthman


    soairn. you make me sad.
  4. Banned for having an under 18 anime chick for your picture.
  5. READ THE MOTD. then be able to join.
  6. I found the secret of the white space! Muahaha
  7. the more member a community have, the stronger it looks. and also who know. you might get mod
  8. Listen, QUIT THE DAMN DRAMA ALREADY. YOUVE GOT NOTHING TO SAY? THEN SHUT THE HELL UP. It`s rexxs goodbye. So just say bye and what you liked about him or Gtfo. Ill miss ya rexxy
  9. (person over me) Banned for being giant;
  10. Arthman


    rexx, Im joining because the clan is having hard time and i also enjoy the community quite a Bit
  11. bummer. 3 coleaders left. doesnt smell too good for xG . anyway cya, excision
  12. the community needs your help most at the moment.
  13. chaz`s a good guy. it`s probably a mistake or something like that. I highly doubt he meant to freekill anybody. on topic. chaz wouldnt say things like that. bring some proof.
  14. Feed the trolls :D. Seriously, You scared the **** outta me.
  15. Member Name: Arthman In-Game Name: Arthman Steam ID: Derp, Cant access it ATM Age: 18 Game Time: 460 hour CSS and about 200 Minecraft Helpful Skills: ?m back here just because it`s hard time for xG and i think it`s the best time to join and help the community
  16. hmm, hard time you say? I may want to come back in xG just to put some shits together in the clan. things need to change quick. Ontopic: it was fun playing with you, D:
  17. Probation? REALLY%. BS your an awesome mod and mostly an awesome friend. You are doing an awesome job on these server. Infact, there should be more like you. turns out this drama is getting higher and problem are growing big.
  18. YOU SON OF A BISCUIT. AGAIN, YOU FORGET ME IN YOUR LIST D:! it seems you hate me after all
  19. ↑Banned for Being a flightless cat.
  20. That Son of a turtle. Seriously, he hacked you? And add me, Arthifix
  21. ↑ BAnned for not Using the alt code Alt 24 ↑ and alt 25 ↓. Im on a french computer since my other`s in pieces
  22. May i laugh a bit? Here in canada, well in quebec, we don`t get **** for the summer.
  23. ↑ Banned for Drawing Furries and using them as an avatar. ↓ Banned for Keeping Old thread alive and banning me. (BAM!, BROKE THE RULES, MUAHAHAHHAHA)
  24. we should play sometime.. When im able to get my Old motherboard Up and working. It seems my current one is Doa.
  25. what kind of blind ******* are you? i was wearing boots