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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman

    Suggestion: Roster

    +1 it's alot clearer.
  2. Arthman


    Silence, If i donate 5 $, Will you bring it back up?
  3. Arthman

    Signature Shop

    Text: Trolling? Never heard of it Colors:Purple Images (if any): Trollface Siggy
  4. i'd have an Idea. A script that randomly select a warden. the warden will have 3 choice. 1. Keep warden, Leave other Unmuted 2. Keep warden and mute other ct for 10-15 sec or 3. Pass warden. when somebody would pass warden, It would randomly select another person and that person would have the SAME menu. This would get rid of spammer, and will be FAIR
  5. Cant wait for you to go back on JB so i can kill you err hug you <3
  6. Arthman


    This is NOT worth gravedigging
  7. Arthman


    meh i though it was 70 posts
  8. meh im an avid fan of these kind of order "YOU LOOK AT ANY CTs YOU DIE" "When you get out of your cell , face your cell and do a 137 degree turn to your left" *kill all*
  9. Arthman


    Meh, Vero's a good admin. and serbian. And aegean well... he's aegean *sarcasm* jk <3u!
  10. Arthman


    37 : Almost there! Only 33 More post!
  11. me i bought it 2months ago. Ill probably sue them because their prenium thing to find loots and stuff is for sure not worth 10$!
  12. Meanwhile, Ask me, Ill bring you the boxes. I Really have a shitload
  13. Arthman


    SILENCE, Just bring it back, Lazy boy
  14. Arthman


    billy, Just for that, i dont want that sevre back XD just kiding man , Most wonderfull server to learn how to bhop or just to have fun
  15. Arthman


    Bring that god damned server back!
  16. Arthman

    Reporting In

    I wuv you other :D
  17. Arthman

    Why are ppl leaving

    and also, Some people cant stand the fact that clans Don't change.
  18. Arthman

    Alright **** it

    HAHAHAHAH PEOPLE, RESPECTING ME? ONLY A HAND FULL OF PEOPLE DOES, OTHER JUST DISCRIMINATE ME. And 2-3 mishaps? I've been abused on about 20 times. Most of them which i did not Report. Why? To show respect. But Now none are giving me respect. Im doing what i should have done awhile ago.
  19. Arthman

    Alright **** it

    Aegean That's plain stupid. I know how Hard being admin is And i didnt know that you were doign something else. I tried making you act faster and obviously Somebody took it wrong
  20. Arthman

    Alright **** it

    oh So for you, I know what im saying? Well YOur wrong. Most of the time when i see something and i know theres Little time i just type what comes up in my mind first, And also I dont consider myself english because i began learning it Not even 2 years ago
  21. Arthman

    Alright **** it

    how is Do your job disrespecting? And we ALL damn know Im terrible in english and i saw insert ON MULTIPLE other server freekilling. I couldnt THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE and i was trying to save the LR guy. Is that a crime? No again it's Good intentions that everybody take badly Just because of my ****ING grammar
  22. Arthman

    Alright **** it

    Meh Says the guys with the !slay all? Man your just an idiot. And aegean, I've provided proof and yet nothing happened.
  23. Arthman

    Alright **** it

    Meh I never said i wouldnt play JB but for sure i aint getting abused on anymore