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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman

    God dam it

    Alright, I got new stuff from newegg. but since im an complete idiot , I cant figure out how to make it work. it`s a quick headups so that you don`t wonder why im Offline for awhile.
  2. Arthman

    I have no friends!

    DON'T WORRY, I sent you a friend request :D . Thou shall Not be Forever alone.
  3. That hat. Neo Heavy Combine player model | garrysmods.org
  4. *walk in poo* Go ahead, Theyre all yours.
  5. Arthman

    Funny songs!

    This song brings back some old memory for me. Damn i miss the old bgm in LG gunz private server. (i mean the '07 bGM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3EJP5ugfYc
  6. ^ banned because cat dont have glasses, big black mustache and an hat. On a side note, Sprinkles quote are funny
  7. ^banned for having the word pony in your signature.
  8. err. I think i did a couple of typos. the my is suposed to be a on
  9. methinks this guy is good. methinks he should get in but be watched over by mods. methink this is not a vouche but a tip.
  10. ero, that's for rape and/or old people. his dad is probably around the 30's 40's judging my duckiijr's age
  11. ^Banned for NOT giving proper permission
  12. ^ Banned for Not Making fun of His/Her gender
  13. Amen to the first post, We want to enforce motd but are we nazis? Nope.
  14. ^ banned for STILL using my minecraft account o.o
  15. ^ banned for not doing a refference to my departure.
  16. welcome to the internet. You can redeem 1 troll spray Troll spray will remove Unwanted trolls |==> here's your spray and enjoy your stay
  17. Arthman

    Proof im a man

    Im the boyfriend . That's a proof that im a man (kidding)
  18. if only i had a good connection (right now it suck) i'd host my own and give to some xG fella admin powers.
  19. Arthman


    Rawr. That mean i love you in dinosaur
  20. Arthman

    Proof im a man

    even warmaster zwar from GW though you were a girl >.< But i know your a man.
  21. Arthman

    Hellsgamers clan

    im sad. Im not even in the clan and i suffer from being in the group