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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman

    Alright **** it

    For awhile i've though about just leaving xG and be free to do the **** i want. After some incidents, Im Leaving xG because Some People Should do their **** Better Fu ck This Sh it
  2. I never said i could do better or stuff, But that guy was delaying and I knew he was about to freekill and jay, **** off you Fu cktard
  3. Look, I pointed out the obvious, And if he would have done something instead of kicking me, The lr guy would have survived. Im also REALLY pissed because Most admin just pick on me and abuse on me when at First i had good intentions. That's whats up with me. I have good intentions and i get abused on. Too much is too much and I got my limit. It's the first time ever since i began gaming that im THAT angry. Because i try being nice, Get abused on. When i report that, Some people find it Usefull to just tell the to go **** myself. And also i play there to have fun during my FInals. I cant play without getting abused. Then when i play Illumin server where I AM respected, Nobody abuse on me but some smart people Yell at me telling me to get off their servers.
  4. Still dont have permission to post in damn abuse thread Admins In-Game Name:Jay breeze Admins STEAM-ID.I dont know Your In-Game Name:Arthman Your STEAM-ID.Idk What server did this happen in?:JAILBREAK What exactly did the abuser do?: Free kick me when i tell him a ct is delaying lr (WHICH AFTER THE CT FREEKILLED) Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason?: No Did it affect other players?: Yes, The ct freekilled the last t Explain the entire situation here:It'll Explain it ALL [ATTACH]155.vB[/ATTACH] If nothing is done then im outta here
  5. Arthman


    He's having contacts with me *perverted Giggles*
  6. ^ Banned for having a dog in your picture with an hat
  7. ^ Banned for Breaking everybody's Fantasies
  8. Arthman

    Nickname Abuse

    @ All Stop it with wrong format, That just posting for nothing. @ nickname, Nowhere in Motd it states that i cant Change my order. Maybe you should get at it and read it?
  9. Arthman

    Nickname Abuse

    Your retarded , i have the right to think and change my order or atleast finish them @other it says i dont have the privilege
  10. Arthman

    Nickname Abuse

    Well I got slayed for Saying ONE full order. And other people killed the one who moved and nick HAD to be an Idiot and slay me for a tarp (Which obviously wasnt One) In the last wek, people abused 3-4 time on me. Im getting pretty pissed
  11. Arthman

    Nickname Abuse

    Sorry, wrong section, Cant post in the right section. Nickname totaly freeslayed me in jb. I was warden and i said "When i say go, I want all t to shift walk down cellstairs, Go Shoulder to shoulder, No stacking" some do go down without me saying go. I tell other people to kill who ever moved. 2 min later, Nickname unmutes himself saying i trapped and slayed me... It's not my fault if SOME PEOPLE are retarded and cant make difference between 2 orders or 1 Single Order. If People keep abusing on me, **** this **** im outta here
  12. Arthman


    Joining as? noob\pro- noob LoL Username- Arthan desgov Games won- 1 Favorite champion- Ashe LoL Account level- 3 How often will you be able to play-Anytime Rabid babe Will you want to help the noob's Team Leave n\a if you're joining as noob-
  13. Arthman


    Ohhhh sweet, Dota like. I used to be PROFFESIONAL @ dota
  14. Get that good fella in here pronto +1
  15. PUT A PEDOBEAR! This would be GREAT
  16. sprinkles.. when ill have spare cash, Maybe youll get that game
  17. Hey selby, On another hand, Somebody can keep the name he want since he paid for the account. That was the problem
  18. you made me extremly mad yesterday. And i feel like im in your posts when you say *trolls*
  19. The first time i saw the demo, I had a boner
  20. Ero, ANYTIME ill play MG over JB
  21. Arthman

    Free Sprays

    If you dont mind, I'd take one (Im a communist!)
  22. Personaly, there's a place called dicc's ann near here. IT"S BEASTING on another note, I dont eat fast food that much
  23. Arthman


    Age:18 Steam ID:" STEAM_0:0:37830265 or STEAM_0:1:39527 (idk which is the good one) Steam name:Arthman CSS Hours Played:+ 400 on this account, + 2000 on my other Favorite Weapon:AK47 Best with: AWP Specialty: Sing The trololol. And Rebel / explode on teh warden
  24. admin approve this, Looks Fun