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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. i got finals for the next 2 weeks. That's gonna suck Trust me. 10 ****ing days with Exam
  2. Zehdari first left the clan, Joined Illumin Then left Illumin
  3. Exci, Are you being serious?
  4. get that Good Fella in xG +1
  5. The "could not connect to vac" BS?
  6. CAN I BE THE ARTHMAN OF THE TEAM? Owai, Im it already
  7. rabid posted quar's number on 4chan if my sources are good
  8. Hope to see you anytime soon brother
  9. Arthman


    I was wondering why i got banned off mumble... I was talking with rubikah and stuff playing terraria and then "you have been banned and kicked out of the server by silence"
  10. Arthman


    I vouche +1 , He's a nice dude
  11. I can say that the two of you did things wrong. But not MOST THE CLAN hate sam. Only a handfull of person do. Other than that, you cant 1week ban just because somebody want to join the server
  12. there is no rule about talking before the time.if there's no rules, there's no way to punish people using said glitch
  13. is there still a few spot for the scrim team? (i can tryout)
  14. I meant by that that i was not SPAMMING over him. I admit spamming earlier but when i talked and he kicked i wasnt spamming. and now hldj is broken for me so i cant really spam anymore (Untill it's fixed) but ill use it for wardening
  15. erm i never said i wasnt spamming. I never said i was either. so technicaly im not lying. Im just not giving info.
  16. im technicaly blind. Only color blind
  17. Arthman


    kind of a nice guy. I vouche
  18. SORRY FOR THE BAD PLACE BUT I CANT POST IN ADMIN ABUSE Admins In-Game Name:ssully Admins STEAM-ID.Idk Your In-Game Name:Arthman Your STEAM-ID.Idk either What server did this happen in?:JB What exactly did the abuser do?: saying he'll 1 week ban me for HLDJ and kicked me for talking Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason?:he said if i talk ill be kicked (I was t) Did it affect other players?: I dont know, Im not on the server anymore -_- Explain the entire situation here:It was begining of the round, and i was still talking. Ssullly comes up and say talk again and i kick you. (Wtf Kick really? that's abuse i wasnt spamming or anything. and also he could have killed me with his damn gun) ANother time was that he comes up saying if you use HLDJ youll get 1 week ban(tsk tsk tsk silly ssullly " If a mic spammer joins the server and will not stop after, you must mute or kick him. If he rejoins and continues to do this, that is a bannable offence. An admin must ban him for 240 minutes exactly. Anything above or below is breaking the rules." STRAIGHT out of admin handbook) he should really learn his job right.
  19. Arthman

    Thank You

    nope.avi he doesnt deserve more power
  20. Arthman

    Thank You

    seems like i gotta check if my .22 still work...
  21. "YOU CAN'T OUTRUN ME, IM BLACK" -Bring him to the greek Or "Say hello to my little friend" - Scarface