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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Why are you wasting your time on this speed?
  2. Nigga, you must think you popular or somethin with all these posts. Still a scrub in my book, get ya weight up.
  3. Jaybreeze


    The downs in this thread is astounding.
  4. This is why people don't like you.
  5. I don't know how skilled you are with the program but the purpose of a donator skin is to stick out and be noticed. A small logo on the back and a even smaller one on the front would be great for xG members, but as a donator I'd think people would want something a little more flashy. Maybe a SWAT type skin, or robo cop, for a CT and a gang member or italian mob boss for terrorists. Once again I think you said you were new to all this so I dont expect much, thats just my input.
  6. Jaybreeze


    a lounge server all you do is have a big open area, no guns, and chill out and talk. think of it as a therapy room.
  7. So, what your saying is that the button that says "applications" is actually for.... applications? This is mind blowing.
  8. Jaybreeze


    -1. since apparently we don't have to give reasons anymore
  9. Actively recruiting on WarZ? You have 30 hours on GMOD and 4 on WarZ, so I dont really know which division you're recruiting for. Also, that "steam group" the WarZ division hasn't had a single new member in 2 weeks and is still stuck on 20, so good job doing that. Now, I don't care for you in the slightest bit as a person, nor do I respect anything you have done within xG. Getting that out of the way, making a ragequit post like this insulting members of the community, current and former, just adds to the fact that you're an immature little child with an inferiority complex. People insult your division not for the game, but because of the person running it. I get it, you did this "for teh lolz and gg no re kids" but that doesn't really make sense when you have garnered literally 0 respect in a community you essentially wasted your time in. I don't know if this is some weird little fetish that turns you on or what not, but you had the chance to leave in a somewhat dignified and respectable manner, seeing as how you put in over a year of your time with little to nothing to show for it now. I doubt your division will last much longer since you yourself said you only wanted it because you and some friends play, and you've brought nothing to xG with it but a whole flame war (which is highly amusing i might add) and unnecessary drama. TLDR: Congrats for wasting yours and everyone else's time.
  10. General isnt the problem. Its the divisions that no one uses that are the problem. Delete those boards and everything looks spiffy and clean.
  11. Jaybreeze

    Ocho Cinco

    [video=youtube;Ew4m95q6jVY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew4m95q6jVY Inb4 @@TheRageWay posts about being in the wrong section and tells me to move it to GMOD Discussion. /endjoke
  12. Jaybreeze

    Help mee

    Try going to options - visual options and change to quality to see if it resets itself. if that doesnt work either uninstall or quit
  13. So besides the down syndrome kids who found a computer and managed to post on this thread, there are +1s from members and a co-leader so I think a ban is in place for spamming and harassment on the forums. @@Duckii @Brian @theotherone
  14. That's not nice Mr. Div Leader Sir.
  15. @Brian, im not going to dig through general when you can just look at any topic there. Regardless, RageWay did a good enough job getting my point across. To address the defendant; These posts aren't useful as you don't do anything on the forums but this. You continually spam the same message, sometimes without even reading the topic i.e., example 6 in your post. Now, when i say the "same" I mean a similar general concept, which they are. If you took the time to explain to the poster why it was in the wrong section then I wouldn't care as you actually put some thought into the post instead of going around on whatever high horse you think you're riding upon (it is more of a mini-pony however, as you hold 0 weight in every essence of xG). Lastly, its JayBreezy, don't be ignorant the spelling is at the top of the page. Also, I care because I don't come to lurk on the forums to see the same, useless peice of garbage posted by a low tier member trying to get noticed. TLDR: If you actually cared about what you wrote on the forums, then put some effort forth instead of writing the same useless sentences on every thread, or just comment. That's why the functions there.
  16. I dont really need to get any proof since you can just go on any topic in general and see him post the same bullshit. He's clogging up the forums with the same post over and over again (using incorrect logic if i might add). I dont want him to get a permanent forum ban, just a temporary. Hey, i got banned for speaking truth about a division (tumbleweed), but he spams nonstop and nothing happens? Logic.
  17. the knives servers ive played on do about 35 dmg a hit, but you only get 3 so if you miss one its not enough to kill someone. I dont know how well this would go over as an LR command, since the knives travel fast it could beeasy for the T to hit another CT (which i think cancels the LR)
  18. In case you didn't know, this is what's called a fundamental breach of contract. When a contract is breached theres a whole lot of legal mumbo jumbo that goes along with that but long story short, since this was settled out of court the contract in turn is terminated, therefor nullifying it. For the remainder of your post, I do not have any screen shots of the forums circa mid 2012, so I guess we'll agree to disagree that the time you had the little globe fill up with red with a number when you had a notification doesn't look anything like facebook. You got me there. I don't wish I was black, I just appreciate current African-American culture. Finally, before you attempt to come back in some witty way (e.g., retarded, "wishes he was black", or the ever popular gg kid.) Just add me on steam so guest's or potential new members aren't turned off by this thread.
  19. Whooo you GG'd me there. Gosh maybe I shouldn't Re. Jk I dont know if you've ever heard of a garden, but thats how you can grow food. People survived pre-1950 Silence. This layout you tweaked a bit, poorly, but the original was much similar to facebooks with chat and notifications and all but I guess imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Regardless of if you paid him you still breached the contract so I dont really see where your logic is there, unless you dont understand what a contract means which wouldnt surprise me in the slightest. I could give a shit about the last point since theres no real point in me defending it. Also, dont call me kid again, youre maturity is relatable to Rabid's.
  20. Excuse me oh exalted one? Lets go down a list of things shall we: 1. Stole Facebook's layout (which you somehow broke) 2. Made a contract that you breached 3. Cant make anything so you steal everything 4. Begs for programmers to come help because you dont know how to do it