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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. >More active on vintage than xg >shitpost regardless
  2. You fight for the king, in death and in life.
  3. Jaybreeze

    Just an Idea

    bring cotton eye joe back.
  4. i think im 3rd or 4th or some ish
  5. Jaybreeze

    Pet Peeves

    Centers for kids who cant read good but want to learn to do other things too that are way too small
  6. Silence and Duplo seem to be up in arms about this. Im glad you finally changed your signature right before you posted this thread, real smart. Care to say what your signature said (from your so gracious and non-trolling leader). If you dont I will but im sure youd rather have it come out of your mouth Mr. Nice Guy.
  7. RageWay tries to be a good guy....... still fails. Learn what posts mean instead of just implying what they mean from the topic sentence. After you learn how to read more than 6 words people will take you seriously, until then youre some scrub who still wears my subclans tags.
  8. #doublepost In unrelated news, where are donations at i wanna see how i can help (jk i just like seeing you use your moms credit card to put $1,200+ into a clan your running into the ground. Also, i tried to go to www.xenogamers.com/donate and i got trolled by some .gif's and a couple screamers so i guess thats some new marketing strategy i havent read about yet (lets see how it pays off) You breach contracts You make posts about calling people autistic (really?) You brand co leaders and members who put their hard work and effort into this clan as trolls #wheresdonationstab #justtrynagaugehowlongtill #xgisdead
  9. If you get trolled just troll back! The new motto for xG!
  10. so they scammed you again? seems legit
  12. It says hes still co leader so it must be true.
  13. Demote this nigga, ill join back and be the DL
  14. remember that time you almost got co leader?
  15. I dont get why he's still banned... It's not advertising if something doesnt exist. The whole ban is covered in wrong.
  16. you want what you cant have, no ones a jaybreeze