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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Jaybreeze


    Yo Nova you cant be closin your own threads bro... thats now how this works. Just because they have proof you abused and have no idea what the rules mean doesnt mean you can close them and say imma handle it. I tried that and got demoted 7 times.
  2. yo i just like makin you mad cause youre a prick and your div is pathetic. but in all seriousness this div is useless and serves no benefit to anything
  3. I just dont get why its a division if you bought a game no one plays but yolo. Ill go start my omgpop division and play some gemmers.
  4. All i hear is duplo spittin the same shit out, bro we get it you paid for a peice of shit game and your pissed about it. if your the only one who put a dime into it then why is it a fuckin division bro? no one plays that trash. stop whinin and bitchin about tryna get power in a dying community and do something with your life. #drunk
  5. Scam isnt the right word.... Peice of shit seem like the right 3 words... I dont know why we're wasting space and time on this "division" Metacritic - Movie Reviews, TV Reviews, Game Reviews, and Music Reviews
  6. nigga, no ones talkin about that 6'8" goofy foreigner, were yellin about the normal height one
  7. nigga you speak english how you get a D in it
  8. 2012 is so 2011. 2013 is the new 2012.
  9. No more Co's. Popped the molly im sweatin. WOOOP
  11. When someones sick you have to put them down.... Come out back with me Serbian this will just take a second...
  12. Kay so since schools restarting and im getting back into my creative mindset im gonna start up photoshop again so if anyone wants somethin (backgrounds, avatars, sprays, sigs, a avatar like McNeo's [clearly photoshopped]) let me know and ill think about it and might make it. If i dont like you post anyways i like the attention. Okay kay kayyy ~Trinidad James
  13. If you cant trust the div leader who can you trust...
  14. You dont get to play factions like everyone else, thats the problem. Youre the division leader you have to be the pinnacle of example for people to follow. Now im not saying you cant play factions but you have to differentiate what it means to be a leader and a player. A player can go around joining random factions just to raid them or to find their bases, but a division leader, someone the community trusts has to take a couple steps back, analyze the situation, and predict what would happen if they did it. This is why i think you went too early into div leader, the responsibility about being a div leader isnt about knowing and following the rules, its about being a figure of example within the game itself. Now, on the other hand i know you take a lot of shit (especially from me but yolo) and i dont know if the factions you raided were because of that but you have to realize that because of your position youre going to take a lot more scrutiny than you would a week ago when you were just a mod.
  15. Jaybreeze

    MOTD for JB

    Chrono you are literally worthless
  16. Jaybreeze


    My time to strike is now!
  17. Changing the gun wont help.... They'll just go get a gun. The only reason they dont now is because they have the shotty. It doesnt take long for a CT who wants to mass FK to go get a gun once he realizes he only has a deagle, saying the XM is a bad gun to start with doesnt really matter because either way their going to get a fast shooting powerful gun to freekill.
  18. yall cant even compare. get ready to drop some bills niggggassss[ATTACH]4280.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0pRgvPWFBc