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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. So you quit the clan then want admin on the clans teamspeak server? Whut?
  2. Peace niggas -JayBreeze the based god
  3. So what i got from this was that @@Chrono is a huge queer who rapes school girls since he cant get any pussy his age @Link_ dances like a paraplegic and is the first person ive seen to rock the scarf/beanie-with-a-brim since coolio did it in 98'. But seriously, you suck. Go try out for the X-Factor or somethint. Jabbawannabe.
  4. dont listen to these lil bitches, just do you homie.
  5. Ill pay you by the hour to so certain things for me.
  6. From a former Moderator, Admin, Division Leader and Co-Leader -1 he sucks.
  7. yall a bunch o pussies hidden text or die. Is it disrespect or not, the world will never know...
  8. Youre a complete and utter moron. Did you even read billy's post? Im guessing not if you agree'd with it since its written like a trailer park boy who doesnt know what words mean. Second off you complain about getting DDoS'd but instead of doing something about it you make one phone call, nothin happens so you decide to bitch. Amazingly, you yell at him for joining a clan that DDoS's but hey wait, your in xG we did it too! So im up to three dumbass tally's right now, lets go for more. You say you'd call the FBI on him but again, youd just be a hypocrite or plain ignorant, either one is fine. I dont even know if you read the forums or if you just look at the first few letters, see if it looks good and then write a paragraph of complete nonsense that has no relevant information at all. Lastly, you threaten him by saying he'll never find a job in his life because, and im assuming here, that your good buddies with Robert Mueller (since you dont know who that is look him up) and he'll pull the strings on you to settle your little grievance with a gaming community full of 16 year olds who act like a only child when their toy gets taken away. Re read the posts, edit yours, i dont care i already quoted it. All in all you should refrain from posting on matters where you look like a total jackass.
  9. Blackjack might not work extremely well e.g, if both players bust or its a push. High-Low is quicker, more effecient and if there is a tie, it is a quick enough restart to not cause a lot of issues. As for betting, having spectators bet on the LR would work well even now, without the gambling function e.g when LR is activated everyone in the server can do: >!bet "team" [amount] For example, !bet CT 250 to win an X payout (possible a 1.5:1 ratio since 2 is high). Of course this would work well for gambling, but could be implemented to LR in general. This is a similar function to some pub servers that have a !bet command per team (e.g, !bet T all). Just my two cents. TLDR: Change blackjack to high-low Add a !bet command for LR in general (with restrictions [e.g, max amount (500) and a 1.5:1 payout])
  10. This thread sucks all around.
  11. yall niggas need to calm down. holdin grudges on the wrong ass people, lil bitches -1'n this thread and have no idea what happened. whats he gonna do inflitrate our servers and give our secrets away? lul Zeal hacked on one of the xG servers and he's still chillin on em logic mayne its too trippy
  12. Dont listen to him, he made this PSA earlier in the year to advertise his computer savvy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eA3XCvrK90
  13. kk ill spec all when i get in
  14. please refrain from posting anymore
  15. Untouchable JayBreeze? I like that, i think im gonna keep it. As for you, you make an anti-xg clan/steam group but still hang around in xG... butthurt much? You then join some knock off xG clan, trying to get it started (Illumin) and yet you still come on here, post meaningless shit, go on teamspeak, stroll, and all around are just a shitty person. I have no regrets about banning you or your little buddies and I'd do it again if you came on teamspeak right now. You are a cancer to this clan and should be removed permanently.
  16. no reason to ban from a 2d game, its boring anyway and we barely get players. +1 for unban cause dis mah nigga (and theres no reason to ban him from every server if all he wants to play is MC with some xG friends)
  17. Jaybreeze

    Cyber Bullying

    if you get bullied your weak, everyone can defend themselves. stand up for yourself so it doesnt continually happen, its gotta be more effective than sitting on a computer and mashing keys
  18. Yeah, give her the morning after pill after you finger her. Im sure she'll understand why your fingers were covered in semen.
  19. remember, if you abuse just blame teezar
  21. Thanks for the input kiddo, i'll really take it to heart. You admit to trolling, you troll constantly. Well guess what Charlie! xG is getting rid of trolls!!!!! I know its great right? Like omg finalllly. So, heres the deal, you can stop trolling, like youve been asked to do many times, or you can get banned, not a tough one here i think. Stop instigating every little thing to get attention, no one left xG for you, you got 1 +1 and 10 -1's i think this "community that backs you" has spoken enough.
  22. Live it up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBYQTtBpU0k Smokin weed with dirty sprite
  23. Okay here we go. Ill give you the therapy you want, sit down in my chair. You seem like a very deranged little boy and im wondering whats the cause of this. Maybe its a few social problems, maybe academics, or even family. My advice to you, whats your name? We'll go with Charlie. My advice to you Charlie is to take a deep breath and step back and asses reality. The world you "see" is not what you pretend it is. I recommend a complete overhaul of your persona, starting with how you interact with people. Demanding and whining for your needs is not an effective means of socializing nor is it effective for anything past the age of 4. Start with the small things and maybe, just maybe it will evolve into something bigger.