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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Have fun in iG! Hope it lasts longer than Illumin!
  2. yoooo you shoulda left bro you got creepy pics of aegean on your desktop brooooo. youre the next tarin duckii jr watch out hes gonna stalk ya. i thought we said no pedo's in xggggggggg
  3. Check to see if the mods are broken (same people having problems) then try to load it up with low settings and work your way up from there.
  4. take a hammer and hit yourself in the head with it. repeat until desired results.
  5. you must barely be in xG to label this teamspeak admin abuse
  6. Jaybreeze

    I have a PSN.

    _JayBreeze is my PSN Name
  7. It hasnt failed as bad as the other servers (sliderace, christmas, war3, deathrun), you only had it up for a month or so and we had a decent population on it. As long as you work it so awps are limited to team and such it could be a successful server with a little advertising
  8. Jaybreeze

    What happened?

    were you even around for old xg.... -_-
  9. bump because idgaf about rules
  10. You read correctly. Highhh There got the approval from everyone who matters AKA just her cause yoloswag. Post here if your interested in a division of this caliber (get it, its a gun reference). Dont worry about silence serb or those other two. Shes basically leader at this point and if you got a problem with her then you got one with me and ill just ban your ass cause in reality your prolly a fag. JayBreeze #newdivisioneverymonth
  11. Boy, you might be the single dumbest person I have ever met in my life. I wanted to respond to your member app but it got closed too quickly so here we go. -1 you border on the severely retarded. You have no comprehension of what people think or how to act in a social setting. You are, in my opinion, a spoiled brat who if he doesnt get what he wants he whines and cries about it (im guessing your an only child due to your poor social skills and lack of maturity). Now, im going to -1 this whole thread, this is not a welcome back, we should shun you away like the plague in Europe. You are the definition to a cancer to the community. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. Merry Christmas.
  12. JB is already biased towards CT's anyway allowing them basically to do whatever they want. Those two rules are in there to add some balance to the gameplay. At its core JB is a RP playstyle and the prisoners rebelling is a crucial part to the gameplay. If you take away the rule that CTs can go "rebel hunting" without asking permission then in reality theyre going to immediately go to hotspots where T's exit vents or teleports and just wait for them or go to areas of the map where guns are so the T's cannot get them. As for the second rule where CT's cant re enter amory this should stay for the sake of balance. You shouldnt need upwards of 20 seconds to choose a gun for the round. It's one round of jailbreak, if you dont get the gun you want then get one the next round. It is not a 30 minute round, on average its 3-4 minutes. You can wait that long for another round to start and choose the gun you want. Making it so the CT cannot re-enter allows the rebelling T who took the time to get into armory without getting priorly killed a little breathing room to pick a gun and begin a plan of action. xG jailbreak is already poorly balanced in favor of the CT and getting rid of these two rules would make it boring to play T. Rebelling is a crucial function of the game and should be treated in that regard. TLDR; -1 keep them, theyre necessary.
  13. Ive been preachin a pub server for a year and a half now. We had one for a month maybe then it got shut down (idk why), i still support it 100% as long as its modded properly (rankings, 1-2 awp per team, no ff, etc). free frag network had a great pub server up for a while with similar rules up.
  14. yo old navy ass couldnt knock out a preschooler
  15. nigga you might be dumb as hell. knock off armani wearin ass
  16. If you dont know why people are leaving youre either ignorant or stupid. Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say youre just stupid. Also, saying this has happened before is false. Yeah a couple people have left but jot of this magnitude or caliber. You have a leader who wants to get rid of trolls but turns around the next moment and trolls himself. Example is leadership. Change starts from the top. If you want this clan to survive then I suggest you start to change real quick.
  17. yo my nugga add me on steam so we can talk that gucci gucci
  18. jaybreeze for coleader 2012 <3 u miss u add me on steam
  19. I have -7 because i speak the truth. You can't handle the truth...
  20. Most experienced and well respected member in xG for 2 years running. Gimme the gold star baby.
  21. Jaybreeze

    Need an avater

    i havent made a sig in a minute. lemme see how high i can get and think of something for you
  22. yolo doeeeeeeee time to drink and fuck bitches. amiright