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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. myyyyy niggga. good luck beatin the pussy up. hit a nigga up on teamspeak when you arent to busy whackin it to black porn
  2. Whoever takes a picture of the best shit (that they took) wins. Simple.
  3. Terrible top tier promotions. I dont care about the other ones because youre all new and useless.
  4. Jaybreeze


    Admin abuse is abuse
  5. This is stupid because all the pros are on one team. If you want people to participate they need a fair shot of winning. Half the people in this clan are JB nerds who cant hit the broad side of a barn
  6. Jaybreeze


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esGVZ0rqFYw SQUAD! SQUAD! SQUAD! FLEX!
  7. +1 he learned from one of the best, me and my oh my have you grown little ero. good to have you back kiddo
  8. Jaybreeze

    Need girl advice

    bag em and tag em. go to lunch, no harm in that. if you reconnect you reconnect if you dont then fuck and stop talking to her. thats what real guys do.
  9. wait im inactive? thats a good one. and trust me we're working on the division. you can send people here all you want, i dont see why you need div leader for that. we have most of the information up on the forums, bar a post on the league of legends forms but ive been a little too busy recently to write one up. if you want to make a draft id love to see it so we can post it and start actively recruiting
  10. sorry, i was cranky. he can be div leader too
  11. On another point, why dont they just going xG anyways? why would it matter if your div leader or not. If you want to help out the division you should point people this way, not use them as a means for you to try and get promoted and what not
  12. this thread should be closed and burned immediately.
  13. Well this was mighty fun to read. Its been a while since ive seen a good rage thread like this one. First let me start off with the obvious, who the fuck plays gmod. Ok but seriously back on topic. Now, i dont know charrax, and if i did, i wouldnt give a shit because i bought gmod for $2 on a steam sale, played one map, and havent touched it since but from what it sounds like here is that he's an asshole with some friends in the clan who help his +1 and -1's. This reminds me back in '92 when my boys and I were ridin through south central los angeles and my usual connect wasnt at the drop off. So i sent in a buddy, and he got shot making the deal. The moral of that story is dont trust people you dont know. I dont know charrax. I dont trust him. The logic is irrefutable, i even told an anecdote. Request this thread to be closed, stickied and shown to other people about what a long, annoying thread that will never warrant a solution looks like. In all seriousness, since children dont know what disresepct is anymore, unless he was maliciously attacking you verbally ro the point where you either feel threatened or so enraged that you can't continue to exist, i really dont see a problem with it. But then again, thats just me who's had their plethora of "ban requests" (lol those almost worked, dumb nigs). This was a message brought to you by Jay If you dont know who I am, im the one who made racism allowed here!
  14. +1 Wheres my promotion to Co-leader
  15. lol remember that time aegean quit cause silence was a douche. remeber that time the div leaders left remember that time syn left to make a new clan and half the members followed or agreed remember illuminti remember when he got us all banned from hellsgamers? remember when half of our new member apps are 12 year olds and the clan is 15+ Lead by example
  16. yeah silence is a faggot, come in ts every now and then
  17. im lookin for a duo partner.
  18. Jaybreeze


    LOLOLOLOOOOOL for the fun on the server? I guess that makes abuse ok. Good to know. Ill see you all later tonight when im drunk so I can make the server fun. In related news, stop being pussies. he clearly broke the rules for being an admin, so punish him. dont just pick out the kids you dont like and punish them, if you want to be respected you treat everyone as equals.
  19. First off terrible use of the word holocaust you ignoramus. Purge or even something punny like "Spring Cleaning" would have been satisfactory. Anyways, why dont you just look at the activity of members (like me for example), see that we havent logged on in X (whatever you newbies decide on) and message them on the forums that they have 3 days to get activity up or they'll lose membership. But wait! I hear the whining already! "Oh No! I have real life problems and cant get on" Too bad, pick and choose your battles. We have a forum section dedicated to temporary leaves "My grandma got a toaster caught in her rectum and I had to visit in the hospital every day for a month straight!" Cool story bro, i almost feel bad. "I dont get good grades and lost computer priveledges, but I still want to be active, what can i do?" Get your priorities straight moron, stay in school and pass, its not hard.
  20. Rockin Chrome since '11 nigga. Get your facts straight and come correct
  21. Jaybreeze

    Wtf happened?

    all you newfags do is act like 4 year olds and cry "troll!" at the littlest thing. the servers used to be fun, when i didnt feel like i was running a kindergarden day care.
  22. And then there was one abuser left.... I'd better go out with a bang soon.