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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Luls, still being a terrible admin i see. What else is new, this is blatant abuse (i got my admin removed for putting someone in spectator). Wrong section to post in though, so i guess just wait for a div-leader (if we have any left) or a higher up to punish you.
  2. Jaybreeze

    Mike Lightning

    sounds legit to me. stop being a pussy.
  3. +1 because duckii used to hack and no one cared.
  4. I was talking to kb and mick but its cool bro, dont read my post.
  5. This is why dumb little kids shouldnt post on forums. (not directed at you shiro) When i've seen him on jailbreak i havent seen anything out of the ordinary, hes just not a great CT. Im not around much anymore but all i can really say is either wait for more people to post with their stories and reasons or have the admins/mods take a closer look at him when he is on CT.
  6. play lol with meeeee peace
  7. peace out nigga, ill pour some out for yo ass
  8. Ill go to the bar with kids who arent pussies
  9. Lolololol this ogre? I used to DDoS this fag with microsoft excel. How you been nerd? Re-add me on steam if your not still vac-banned
  10. How is this any different then when people would use to pick chicken fight then run around giggling like little girls? If you dont think glocks should be a request for LR (which they shouldnt because the only legit s4s is a deagle) then make a post to get it removed.
  11. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If he's spamming racial slurs in a server thats being DDoS and arguably maybe 1-5 people on it, is it that big of a deal? Yes its racist, but its not offending anyone. Im throwing my weight on this one. This is not trolling, its a kid being somewhat of a dick, but he's not attacking anyone personally and verbally harassing them, which is what trolling is. He doesnt come into the server and immediately interrupt the whole flow of gameplay thats been going on, he comes in, !guard's, gets on CT, wardens a few rounds, makes some shitty jokes, curses a little, gets bored and leaves. I hardly think that this is anything worth a ban. He does the job of warden more correctly than half of xG does, and in the long run really doesnt do anything to hinder the gameplay experience for other members on the server. All in all, stop complaining about every little thing, nothing in life is perfect, theres gonna be assholes you just have to deal with them and keep going along. I like aaron, we played FFN together for a long time, if your not a dick to him he wont be a dick to you. So it's a big -1 from me and i suggest you rethink your previous votes. TLDR: read my fucking post.
  12. Oh the lulz in this thread. Just give it a bit, or go play on other surf servers for a bit. Or even better yet, go outside! So many options so little time!
  13. >>>take my admin away >>>problems still happen
  14. this was me back in middle school
  15. ill miss ya kid, keep in touch
  16. Wait! Everyone who's not important and has no say in this decision keep posting!!! EDIT: /sarcasm
  17. Nobody with over 5 bans? Peace half of xG. On a similar serious note, if hes a constant troll and disrespects often just wait for him to slip up, get proof, and its an easy decision to ban him. Other than that right now all we have is "he was mean to me and he was bad in the past so ban him pl0x." (of course in a more serious tone, im just an asshole.) Wait for him to be an idiot, take a screenshot, get him banned
  18. Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance? That was my jam back on ps2
  19. Concur or Conquer? Here let me show you how to use both. I concur that you have no idea how to conquer a basic vocabulary.
  20. Nothing would happen, they're both little girls. Ones really pale and the others obnoxiously tall.
  21. Fuck the format. +1 for good sentence structure and grammar.
  22. Wait whats a screenshot?