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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Why welcome back, glad to see your back and making amends right away. Thats how it should be done, good job.
  2. Gotcha chief. Sorry if you thought i was trolling.
  3. Color 1: Green Color 2: Black Reflection (yes/no): Shadow? What do you want it to say?: Jay Specific font?(provide link to download if it is custom): Arial What do you want it to look like?(choose an image from above or give a description): its the Baily one Resolution: signature
  4. I like the m4 a lot but the red dot makes it seem really call of duty. good work though (if you wanna make me a cool shotgun skin id be in love)
  5. No I mean i dont understand how this is an attack... arent they just keygen'd codes that either work or dont work? Not trolling here... or anywhere really for that matter.
  6. Stop trying to boost your post count with useless ♥♥♥♥.
  7. I thought this was someone useful for a second. Then I realized it was. Then I got high.
  8. The fact that hes donated should be a +1. But just because hes not in your little furry subclan your going to down vouch? Thats dumb. Big ol' +1 from me.
  9. Jaybreeze


    TLDR: hes taking a break to go on a peaceful journey in the mountains to clear his mind. I read it: I know how you feel man, ive been here just about as long as you (i think) and i can see where your coming from. Im not gonna talk you into anything since your mind seems pretty much set, but im gonna wish you a good, relaxing break and to come back soon with a clear conscious. IM me on steam or inbox me if you got Q'z and shiyat. Stay Easy nig.
  10. Jaybreeze


    I already have one.
  11. Im still applying for forum mod regardless of rules. Vouches still count.
  12. Jaybreeze

    On rexxthg...

    I can see youre doing that, but flaming on me in general discussion was the wrong way to do that. I respond so quickly cause i just woke up haha, dont get too flattered. But im done arguing on here, if you want to you can IM me on steam or what not.
  13. Youre not a member! Apparently youre not a member, I dont know if this is true or not since i dont memorize member submissions, but it was not random.
  14. Jaybreeze


    +1 because now i can get on CT to fr33k1ll all the time
  15. -1 wait a little longer, its still too early to become a mod.
  16. Jaybreeze

    On rexxthg...

    Well im glad you can speak romanian better than english, cause thats real useful. Gonna do a lot of good with that one. Onto the rest of your poorly spelt paragraph, youre the one that started this so dont forget who started raging in this video game. Clearly people didnt want rexx in here or they would have down vouched my member abuse, but they didnt so.... lol fail? Good game, cant wait for your next, poorly spelled post. Ill be waiting :D
  17. Jaybreeze


  18. Well this got vastly off topic.
  19. Favorite action movie: Saving Privare Ryan Favorite drama movie: The Green Mile Favorite comedy movie: Anchorman Favorite girly movie: John Tucker Must Die Favorite "so bad it's good" movie: Tropic Thunder Favorite actor: Leonardo DiCaprio Favorite actress: Cristina Applegate Favorite director: Speilberg
  20. -1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I7Ue2wX6iQ
  21. Jaybreeze


    Then why give the option if it says Member or Not?