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Everything posted by IAmLegend

  1. after reading Hexakill incoming! | League of Legends what are your thoughts on this gamemode? I didn't think much of it but you could have: Top Top support jungler mid adc support I personally would rather have all4one :(
  2. I do everything for the vine.
  3. I might actually do good in a couple games using this Yordle bitch! -I will finish my games sometime this weekend.
  4. I thought this was a border crossing party. This got my hopes up, I thought I was finally making it to the states. (kidding, I'm not a wattery backside)
  5. I'm probably not a player you want to get advice from but I can help you with number one. 1.Before the teamfight even begins, gather data on the players like if their ult or summoner spells are down. 2. As yasuo I would not recommend going in head on, try to e in from an angle so you can land on their adc that's hiding in the back. 3. If you're just all-inning the person you're leaning against, think about the consequences of the trade. P.s. Your initiations were ok when we duoed. You went in after they started focusing me or the support.
  6. As I was in that video, I'm still experiencing the same bug where I can't move for a moment or two. 50% of the time or more I find myself lost in confusion after a play like that, looking where to go to next. @Fabreeze I'll record my next game
  7. I managed to find a clip of one of my ranked games on Youtube. I'm Kat in this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhAAh41i6Mw @MineCrack Pointers are all I'm asking for at this point, I'd be more than happy to duo with you on your smurf @Stence Just looking at play, I was playing for myself. If you noticed, as soon as sivir ulted, I backed away a little bit to give me time to judge when the best opportunity would be to shunpo in instead of saving sivir. She was retarded for running in imo.
  8. Would you mind watching a game of mine sometime? Advice would be much appreciated. @Stence
  9. No. He's a very active player, knows the rules very well. m:10/10 A:8/10 I hoped I typed this right since it's in white text but + 1
  10. Believe me, I know i'm terrible.
  11. never tried tryndamere, when I hit 1350 ip I will.
  12. Don't worry, he's just pro rebelling (being sarcastic) I'd like somebody to link me to this so called drama. I've seen the same amount of levels with a few spikes here and there, but it's not one person being involved in it all.
  13. Looking for summoner (duo partner) Div: Silver+ Reason: to carry my sorry ass out of bronze. I'm sick of being in elo hell/bronze, here is my latest game: (excuse my shitty farm) People tell me to get better at the game to get out of bronze, I can't carry this shit. @Volt My Lolking: Legend8756 - North America - Summoners - League of Legends (look at my ap and ad carry stats)
  14. I think I still have the older versions of it back when we attempted it the first time. There's an Olympics map made by sethbling that we could use for this!
  15. we should not post the announcement on the day it is :( then people like me will miss it.
  16. We could attempt another race for the wool tourney
  17. +1 I've never had a problem with him ever. He's active (7/10) and much more mature than half of you bastards (8/10) I definitely have enjoyed playing with him and I believe he'd be a good addition to xG p.s. @@WhyJewMad dat avatar doe
  18. 4* bronze 4* I even carried almost every win ._. at least I ended season 3 in bronze 3
  19. I won 5 and was placed in bronze 5 @@Volt
  20. I try to encourage my teammates when they do bad. I won my first qualifier by doing so.
  21. IAmLegend

    Credit Abuse

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I don't even know