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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by IAmLegend

  1. tl;dr - He left b/c of immature asshats. Good job guys, way to be a MATURE and FRIENDLY community! [(and he felt guilty about the age rule) which i do not believe is the main reason of him leaving]
  2. IAmLegend

    Best joke na

    The cs:s servers are populated.
  3. nooo, someone that joined before me is still here!
  4. minced crack is a baddie top: garen and maybe ryze jungle: warwick (very easy jungle in the early summoner levels b/c of his insane lifesteal) aaaaand amumu Mid: annie, fizz, akali, katarina, and lux support: soraka, morgana, blitz/thresh, and janna adc: caitlyn, lucian, tristana, and potentially ezreal All of the champs you play depend on what type of playstyle you like. The ones above were the first champs that i did well with in that category. add me @ Legend8756
  5. i'm going to perm you, bonk
  6. Has anyone experienced a drastic drop in their in game fps after patch 4.15 ish? I've updated all of my drivers, patched my files, defragged my hard drive and shiiiii but my fps always drops to 6 during a teamfight and 13 when it's not very busy. more info: I have submitted a ticket this is more of a pole to see if anyone else is experiencing problems aaaaaand I used to have ~80 fps
  7. @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee @DrLee
  8. I'm still waiting for @Chrono to dump shit on his head
  9. thank god i died before this happened
  10. only if I can play the afk role I'm down but only a silv- bronze scroob
  11. gg no re. ff @ 20.For the record, I got that Nikki Minaj ass!
  12. Where is newer me?
  13. @Hidingmaster Is there any chance Leoben will be added back onto the server?
  14. <original comment removed for having too much downs> try to enjoy work (it's quite difficult to enjoy)
  15. Does nobody remember seductive nate!? @xGShadowSpy you should remember. we were playing on avalanche, lego, and another map. (idr the name) I nearly forgot @HaaDron @Zeal <- i haven't seen him in ages so let's build a memorial for him
  16. keep only blackout_v10 and add leoben. The rest can be removed. I love forest rooftop @Lithium Suicide bombing from the top of the jail is quite a blast Funnypunispunny.
  17. you will always be the new guy to me @Voly Insomnia is deeply rooted for me aswell
  18. don't you fucking leave get back here
  19. LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ LMQ bitch Legend8756 if you want to play with a baddie