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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by IAmLegend

  1. who tf commented invalid format on my post. get your newbie ass outa here
  2. +1 he's always on when I'm on and he's more mature than I am. Except this is the wrong vouch format so it doesnt count. Maybe I should listen to the guy to the right of my post.
  3. I thought you got DM by doing this. You gotta make bomb threats beforehand though.
  4. @xGShadowSpy no way you're still here? I need you to do trust days on blackout again.
  5. They don't want you to be a member. show em what they don't want you to be +1. another one. bless up. i'm a fagit
  6. Hey, how is everyone?
  7. where's silence's demotion? @Forest
  8. Bush called the swat team and it wasn't staged I swur. It's pretty funny that fake swatting yourself is a bannable offense. I don't know the full details about it but I have heard that the ban is until December. I personally don't like watching trick2g but it is a pretty big deal when someone who is celebrating 800k subs gets banned for staging a swatting on himself. What are your thoughts? #leageuflegends not dota.
  9. Where is shadowspyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
  10. Just don't be an asshole and boom! All the toxicity problem's will disappear..... or just don't get butthurt.
  11. surprise its' mr awesome
  12. Your objective. Tag @Tsuchikure in as many threads as possible. all you do is tag him and say nothing else. The person to tag him in the most posts wins my love. Be sure to grave dig for bonus points.
  13. -1 for leaving without me knowing +1 for containing legend in your name +1 for being a previous member that didn't cause any trouble. A: (Do we have a cs:s server) M: (do we have a cs:s server)
  14. But now Dr. Fantafreak will take over.
  15. Who is all left from somewhere around the 2012 summer? #notapointlessthread
  16. I might add annie to your list of 450 champs. She's a strong champ and useful when having to deal with pesky fish like fizz. The only mechanical thing about her is hiding the stun. She's very easy to last hit with b/c of her q's passive.
  17. Pls put your times in eastern time just to keep things simple :) 5 pm EST And for all the simpletons, here's a time converter: Time Converter - Time Zone Converter
  18. IAmLegend

    Best joke na

    @DeathGod has never been stoned
  19. IAmLegend

    Best joke na

    Plot twist, it was an Asian driving the air planes on 9/11/2001 (i'm getting banned for this...)
  20. @[405:@xGShadowSpy] like 5 more mins for dark rp?
    1. xGShadowSpy


      Sent it out to my cousin to fix it. So yes 5 mins. Hes in North carolina tho so it'll take awhile to get back.
  21. Don't use alcohol. Just buy codeine pills and become and instant eminem.