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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. A bus. It hit him. He died. The end.
  2. -1 obviously. Slipery, you were a cool guy at first, now you're just a bi-polar douche
  3. Check for windows updates, those will fuck your ping into the sky.
  4. They all got hit by a bus. Moral of the story? Always look both ways before you cross the street. The end.
  5. Forum runner is free. I use it to this day
  6. Sounds like shit. My eyes are bleeding. Fuck you aegean. Lullll jk, im a dickhole. I like it. Good job once again aeg :)
  7. He got a refridgerator thrown at him...and died. The end
  8. They both fell down the very large hill, but survived. They were in intensive care for a long while, but survived. As they were walking out of the hospital, they got hit by a bus...and died. The end
  9. Then got raped by a giant scorpian, and died...the end
  10. I agree with chrono, ive seen the same thing a lot....also, let higher ups know whos being a derp with their powers, so they can do something. If you dont tell us we cant investigate, and nothing changes.
  11. The end. *troll face* ;3
  12. I was actually just wondering where the hayllllll you went. Miss you man
  13. HighSociety


    +1 fo sho. Even if im not too active right now, whenever i play with mcneo he does a great job.
  14. Gahhhhhhhhhhh you blow pyro. Ima miss you bud. Good luck wherever you may go.
  15. Yeah...i have like 2 more weeks of school, so im kinda cramming. I also have to deal with work D: when school ends i should be much more active hopefully :)
  16. Look out, we got a badass over here.
  17. HighSociety


    Because that would make too much sense for the idiots in xG. Please, for the love of god...just close this....