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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Im not as active recently due to work, school, and life. Dealwithit.jpg :P ill be back soon...
  2. This........../requestclose lol
  3. +1 for this. Up until recently I've just kind of ignored him, but he is definitly going around the rules...a lot
  4. Stabs warden and gets m4 and rapes ct team. Round end. ---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ---------- !ban @all 0 endgame
  5. Anyone else kinda want to unban him just for teh lulz? No? Me neither...
  6. You motherfu....oh. Well then. You should go beat him :3
  7. Damn, i still remember when you were charlie sheen :P. Ima miss uuuuuuu mannnnn
  8. We do have a very low tolerance for most things, because we've been in this clan long enough to realize who the idiots are. And yes, i am a regular on surf. I go under different names.
  9. Niggas in paris in my pants Family reunion in my pants The mistake in my pants Its christmas time again in my pants Dammit in my pants xP
  10. *looks at everyone who +1'd for unban* -all of them less than 10 posts- -_-
  11. LOL weve told her to...many times...its well deserved. Ive explained to her SO many times how to read the motd. When i ask "did you read it?" She says yes, and then does something stupid. +1 for perm ct ban
  12. Some oldfag. Lol welcome back man. Glad to see you again. :)
  13. Just to repeat...AGAIN...now listen this time. All chat and mute/unmute are for solving disputes over the rules ONLY. Do NOT abuse this. If i catch a mod (or above...hopefully not -_-) abusing all chat/mute/unmute, I WILL start banning as I see fit, and you can wait for Aegean/Serbian to decide what to do with you. I'm not letting this get taken away again, just because some of our mods are immature when they get power...
  14. Lul I'm not trying to start a debate or argument, im just stating how i feel.
  15. Lol it isnt the same...at all. xG used to be a tight knit group of people, where everyone liked and respected everyone else. You could act however you wanted, and no one would judge you for it. Now, few people actually respect one another. And in terms of the servers, that is nowhere NEAR the same. As we've grown and expanded, so have our servers. Now we have different plugins, and different servers altogether.
  16. We know what happened...we just can't unban you. Silence needs to give the okay first...
  17. Sure, make me whatever lol. Just make it look cool :P
  18. HighSociety


    Or plug your mouse in?
  19. The servers are down for a valid reason. That is all you need to know, so in the mean time, dealwithit.jpg
  20. LOL sgt...ur an idiot...