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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Your prof pic says it all
  2. If this is the case, seems legit. As long as he didnt use ct to gain an advantage on the ct team, -1
  3. +1. Seems like a good kid. I may have been a little hasty with my decision. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  4. *reads post* seems legit. *looks at post count* -_-........ /requestclose...
  5. +1. No one ever chooses anything else...
  6. If only we could make him not smell
  7. Oh how I missed you...faggot :)
  8. We used to have a zombie survival server...twice. both times they were active for all of about 2 days, then no one played them
  9. [MARQUEE] [ [ ] ] [/MARQUEE] Its a car :D
  10. Hm. Ive never seen u ever in my life ever before. You look really really aweso-i meant to say gay...
  11. This should be in random /request move to random, and resetting of one post on his post count :3...yes...im a dick :D
  12. Why are you still here?
  13. Theres a difference between defending yourself, and starting shit (or keeping it going). Instead of feeding the fire, he could say something like "while i disagree with what ur saying, feel however you want"
  14. Reguardless. Starting a flame war is one of the worst things you can do on a mod app. Even participating in one. The fact that you cant drop a petty argument scares me. -1 for now. A mod should be able to forgive and forget something as stupid as a little piss fight
  15. All of the vouches with "+1 cool guy" should be reset, as half the members that +1'd are gone or inactive
  16. This is disgusting. -1. You guys torment the kid until he stops talking. Grow the fuck up. Bring some proof, and dont drive him and instigate problems, THEN maybe we'll talk. /request close
  17. +1. Those are both good things, as the person wouldnt hack, and he wouldnt freekill. Problem solved
  18. This recent one failed, but we had a different one not too far back before you showed up. It failed. Hard. It was mildly populated for about 4 days, then no one ever went on again. When silence got rid of that trash, everyone went "DAFUQQQ"??? Which is gay shit
  19. Its not a glitch...you left...remember? You get your powers taken away after you leave...