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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Didnt you rage out of the clan? Want to know the best way to become forum banned? Keep gravedigging/necroposting and find out...... /requestclose
  2. follow the correct format dammit...GOD
  3. I agree as well. +1 for the same reasons.
  4. As mick already said, we used to have one...people were active for all of about 5 or 6 days, then no one played it. Chances are, its not coming back. Silence will never get rid of slide race, as it was xG's first server (if i remember correctly), and he LOVES the XMAS server, so thats a no...
  5. Lul i was thinking the same. Thanks for the support guys haha. Ill try to be a bit more active when i haz free time
  6. "Life moves pretty quickly sometimes, and if you dont stop to look around every once in awhile, you could miss it." "I may be lying in the gutter, but im looking up at the stars."
  7. Lately, as im sure some of you have noticed (if anyone actually cares), ive been incredibly inactive. This is due to me recently getting a job, keeping up with school, drama, and hobbies. Im not leaving, and i will be on every here and there until the summer, when i will be much more active. I just felt like i owed you assgoblins an explanation :P.
  8. Dammit mick...you immature fuck :P
  9. Thats not proof. That just shows smoker teambanning him for 10 minutes...not him freekilling. Run a demo, get PROOF
  10. Stop gravedigging...
  11. Dont. Gravedig. Smartass
  12. Also, ben is in t3k now. Why does it still say hes a member on the forums?
  13. Lol lissa was in xG wayyyyy b4 u were. Ive dealt with him multiple times. I never +1'd the faggot, just showing why we shouldnt have pay for mod...
  14. You won't get mod ever actimg like that...
  15. For the same reason vero did lol ---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ---------- And calm down....use grammar...act mature...
  16. -1 if you look at his posts, theyre all insignificant. As in "+1 cool guy" shit.
  17. Someone was trolling me on the comments section saying something like "no one loves u" so I replied with "your mom loved me last night when I fucked her, pulled out, finished on your toothbrush, and wiped my dong on your pillow"...yay 648 likes :D
  18. Couldnt have said it better myself. +1
  19. Im on my phone. Lick my nuts :P. I also never left asshats
  20. Peechis for fucking president. But on topic, -1. I remember playing with him awhile ago, and it was never a pleasant experience. Haven't all our past trolls claimed to "change" and then once we finally forgave them, they fucked us in the asshole? Isn't that what JUST happened with neteX? (I fucking WARNED you bitches btw ;D) overall, -1. Having good grammar doesn't make you a better person...