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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. [ATTACH]2708.vB[/ATTACH]
  2. +1 was one of the best admins, and coolest kids in xG. Welcome back man :)
  3. Someone needs to close this... /requestclose?
  4. HighSociety


    We'll have to wait a year or 2 till they release the code, so modded servers can come out. Dont count on it any time soon...
  5. Fuck man. Sorry to hear that. Get shit straightened out. Life before games. If and when you get your life back on track, you're always welcome back with open arms man. Good luck.
  6. HighSociety


    Yeah, you and everyone else on these forums LOL
  7. You were caught hacking. We have a recorded video of it. Hacking on our servers equals a perm ban.
  8. Lol you cant request close on your own abuse thread -_-
  9. If you donated AFTER he told you that. Past donations don't count
  10. No, its not aimed towards you. Its aimed at a LOT of mods. I see WAY too many mods not wearing even an xG tag. You dont want people to break rules. You want to stop them from breaking rules BEFORE they do it. Your logic is assssss backwards. Start wearing your tags.....
  11. Can we make it a requirement that if you're a Mod/Admin, you MUST wear your tag at ALL times, unless undercover? Too often I see Mods not wearing their tags, and it makes me feel like they aren't proud to wear their tags. This should go double for PMs and PAs...
  12. I already unbanned him. It was a misunderstanding. /requestclose
  13. Why would you make your first post a post about xbox and ps3??? SHIT STORM INCOMINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!
  14. This. Nighty go away lol...
  15. You. Fucker. Get. Online. Now. So. I. Can. Abuse. All. Over. Your. Face. :DDDDD
  16. OHMYGOD FUCKING ABUSERRRRRRrRRRrrRRRrRRrRRRRRtyhuirdgeysuiwsdgyuriesghudijfreghsuidgyrhuie. +1 for demotion....wait what?
  17. Im gonna shoot you in both of your kneecaps, and run you over with a steamroller as you're crawling to the hospital........
  18. Look at nightys prof pic. Theres your answer
  19. Both of you should be lit on fire for not letting this thread fucking die already...