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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Lul i hacked on combat arms too. I also hacked maple, and didnt get caught for a LONG time. Eventually nexon caught on, and had to reset all of MS's servers back a few weeks because all my non-legit mesos had spread sooooooo far LOL. I dont hack anymore though. It annoys me. You know i dont hack on CSS, cuz im too bad to have hacks haha.
  2. Fucking FINALLY this oldfag is back. How has you been ero?
  3. I wil break ur glasses with my flacid penis. That is all.
  4. Wait ez, ur jewish? Its alright...no ones perfect
  5. HighSociety

    I'll start!

    ^banned for...wait...wrong dumb thread
  6. HighSociety

    Unban Luis.

    Lol ur an idiot...i watched you spawn kill. Multiple times. You were warned. A lot. After your ban, if i catch you doing it again, you wont play on our servers anymore. Ever. So its time to grow up, and play the game how it was supposed to be played
  7. You. Are. Almost. As. Dumb. As. Soiarn. How. Many. Chromosomes. Do. You. Have.
  8. For even joking about that with xG, ur an idiot...really? You havent learned by now that "joke" ddos attacks get people BANNED. Think about what you do before you do it...
  9. After what happened on steam chat between me and you last night, i couldnt give a fuck...
  10. HighSociety

    New Jb Map

    Make a snowboarding related cell for me if you havent already done my instrument idea :D i think a snowy cell dedicated to poncher would be tha shiiiit :D
  11. Im waiting for kelly to read it, cuz shes gonna kick me in the balls...
  12. HighSociety

    Unban Luis.

    ...warned multiple times on multiple days to stop spawn killing. By multiple mods and admins. He keeps doing it. I regret not perming him...
  13. And you change your story...again. /requestclose
  14. i would shorten it, had you not blatently lied about it being an accident. had you said "yeah, i tarped on purpose, sorry..." i probably would have shortened it to a day, but no...you had to lie and try to make me look like an ass...
  15. I may have believed it was an accident had you not screamed "HA I REPEATED THE WRONG ORDERS SO YOU WOULD ALL DIE YOU RETARDS" @requestclose
  16. Chunk!* and you know what you did. Dont act like an ignorant tool. Papi was there, he knows it wasnt an accident. He repeated with the wrong orders on purpose then said "HA I REPEATED THE WRONG ORDERS SO YOU WOULD ALL DIE YOU RETARDS" which led to at least 20 t's dying. -1 obviously...
  17. No one was bashing him. I was saying that he clearly doesnt give a fuck, and hed be a bad representation of xG
  18. ...and boom goes the dynamite