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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. neteX-so i can kick him in the balls Soiarn-so i can kick him in the balls Johnnymcg-so i can kick him in the balls Daz-so i can kick him in the balls Kelly-so i can kick him in the balls
  2. Not me, xG. You clearly dont give a fuck judging from your post. You used to be chill as helllll, then you just became a complete asshole. You fucked up. Hard. You show no remorse AT ALL, and to me, thats pathetic...and i dont want to be associated with you in any way any more...
  3. HighSociety

    New Jb Map

    And silence, if possible, you should make it so that when we rtv, we can always nominate this map :D
  4. Wrong. Hes at a 0 now. You dont need to use the format as long as you give a legit reason. GG sir. And the reason "we gave neteX and soiarn both a hundred chances" is proof that we need to stop being so lenient with trolls. Quars post and his wording prove that he doesnt give a flying fuck about this community. "Im bored" really? If he gets back in, there is seriously something wrong with this system. Also, having him as a member would hurt this community, as hed represent us terribly. If he wants to be unbanned, he can go ahead and post a ban protest that he wont give a shit about either...
  5. HighSociety

    New Jb Map

    Ill give you my spray laterssss :D
  6. Couldnt have said it better myself. -1 ---------- Post added 02-13-2012 at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was 02-12-2012 at 11:50 PM ---------- Pixel Glen Becks Nipple Hair Btw glenn, an elephant never forgets
  7. What is this? I dont even...
  8. Okay...ill be the first to -1. You cant just leave and rejoin whenever it pleases your sorry ass. Youve done SO many things wrong to xG that im surprised ur not banned from forums. Youve shown no remorse in the past, and still dont...
  9. I believe i owe serbian money...he called it. Can i -1?
  10. I knew he'd be back. Huddy couldn't stay away from me
  11. I was banned from HG before it was cool :3 i massed and fled cus im a rebel
  12. HighSociety

    New Jb Map

    Make a music cell, with music notes, instruments, and my name :D
  13. Its a server ban...he massed and fled...-1
  14. Copy and paste isnt proof...how hard is it to hit f12?
  15. HighSociety

    New Jb Map

    Make sure the vents are extensive, makes for better rebelling
  16. Request close...dont gravedig
  17. Or me :D. Its my last name though LOL
  18. I personally think only mods and up (if not admins and up) should be allowed to vouch for mods (if not membership as well) this would eliminate someone just getting a bunch of their friends to vouch for them, and then they become mod, and they dont actually know anything about xG (as has happened in the past)...
  19. HighSociety

    New Jb Map

    You should add an anti gravity room (somewhat like space on lunar) that would make a few more days a lot better :D.
  20. HighSociety

    New Jb Map

    Definitly have an LR room. Have a trampoline for knife fight lrs :D
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qv7k2_lc0M Ill take my trophy now. Definitly the new best show on CC
  22. @requestclose This thread is dead. I killed it. In the face.