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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. +1. Im on my phone and am too lazy to look at the new shitty vouching format. So ill do it how i normally do, cuz im a rebel. Ive played with him quite a bit, and besides for the occasional freekill (which everyone does) hes an amazing player. He knows the MOTD real well, and he keeps his cool. Ive never seen him flame or troll, so thats always good. I believe he would make a great asset to our clan. Sincerely, Captain Chunk! (aka Poncher) (aka Rebel)
  2. I didn't know you spoke russian. Now please speak english. You know, with punctuation and at least SOME form of grammar...
  3. Lol....i hate this excuse. Even if it was your brother (which i doubt it actually was) you should stay banned. Learn to take better care of your shit. Change your password or something...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idIU8Htava0
  5. HighSociety


    Sooooooo trueeeeee
  6. HighSociety


    Bear jew and russki are friends if i remeber correctly. Theyre both idiots. +1
  7. This one tiiiiiiime...at baaaaand caaaamp...
  8. Nope. Take a pic of urself with a sign that says "i love xG", or stay ct banned. Ur choice..
  9. So get yourself noticed. This thread is dead lol...
  10. His real name is Travis Barker. Duh. :3
  11. meh...i say shorten it to a week or 2. he does it again, even if he stays in the server, perm him...
  12. We'll figure it out, and we'll ban you on sight. Know how you can "bypass gag"? Well i consider that bypassing ban...
  13. To anyone who said they enjoy the jersey shore, how have you not suffocated yourself accidentally yet???
  14. Im not participating cuz im a rebel. Everyone who has ever posted in this thread should actually be banned...
  15. I'm gonna -1 for every time you've lied. That's -3. Lying is NOT a good life choice bro...
  16. I'd say after 5+ bumbs, you need to be more active bud...
  17. HighSociety

    Unban plz

    We were all in a stack in nexzoid, about to play no balls (i think) no orders were given after the stack command. Hitman proceeded to freekill about 10-15 people. I slayed him. IMMEDIATLY after i slayed i looked to see if he was still in game. He was not. Sunny was the only other admin on, and he was afk, so i knew he didnt kick him (i think jihad came on right after it happened). Massed and fled. So i permed. Do with it what you may. I, for one, never buy the "i let someone else use my account" crap...take better care of your shit. They also wouldnt have known to flee right away...so im calling bullshit.
  18. This is my formal +1 for Herpes to become a co leader. Im not entirely sure how one becomes co-leader, but im assuming it has something to do with a majority of xG, both co-leaders approval, and silences approval ofc. Herpes has been not only an amazing mod/admin/ and div leader, but a great friend to me, and many more in and out of xG. Hes incredibly personable, and ALWAYS thinks about tough decisions before he acts, but he also acts promptly when necessary. I personally believe he would be an awesome co-leader for xG. Nuff said. Post 555 BTW :D
  19. Dafuq?? neteX was HORRIBLE...he was a shitty player, and a shittier person
  20. +1 for sure, hes been around for awhile now i believe, and he clearly knows our rules.
  21. Im gonna -1...ive seen him a few times, but he always ends up breaking rules. Maybe get more familiar with our rules, and then reapply in a couple weeks...
  22. +1, ive had a few problems, but it was minor stuff, and he quickly corrected himself. Would be a great addition.