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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. I think he's talking about CTs. I never slay for that, only mute cts...
  2. This is my creepy happy face >:DD
  3. Also, pics/videos or it didnt happen :3
  4. Did you happen to play at summerfest in milwaukee last summer?? I may come see you to get my tats done when im 18 :D. Ima get a black and red starstud on one wrist, the word "fuck" with a censor bar going through it on the other wrist, and im gonna get a prayer or awesome quote (havent decided which yet) on my ribcage. And later on i may get the sublime sun on my shoulder :)
  5. Meh, fuck it...ima do as many as i can think of ATM 1) 6'2", 145 lbs. 2) i RAPE at skating (computerfaghaters get at me bro). 3) i played baseball for 9 years, then stopped sophomore year due to lack of interest/more sexual distractions. 4) im on police watch for another 3 months (till april 18th when i turn 18) for multiple reasons. I.E. breaking curfew (3 times caught), trespassing at the local elementary school for some freerunning on the roof, gun charges for an AIRSOFT GUN (cuz in my gay town, airsoft guns are illegal), and multiple vandalism charges for skating private buildings and lots. 5) i have broken multiple bones (from skating duh)...and cracked my head open many times. 6) i have as little cartilage in my right knee as possible, from baseball/skating injuries. 7) i tend to drink. A lot. 8) im pro at pool. Dont know why, cuz i never play, but i rape. 9) i own a printing company (we print shirts/banners/stickers/business cards/and pretty much anything else lol). 10) i plan on going to college at Columbia in chicago. I also plan on majoring in desktop publishing/graphic media, and minoring in music production (music is my life). 11) i also work at marianos as a produce clerk (if you dont know what marianos is, google it you lazy queer). 12) im not racist, i hate everyone equally. 13) favorite bands include: Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, AWOLNATION, blink 182, Fall Out Boy, Knockout Kid (chicago local) 14) i am clinically depressed, and have MAJOR trust issues... 15) im a social engineer (look it up) 16) any questions? Hit me up brah
  6. HighSociety


    +1...hes been on xG for a LONG time, and has been pretty loyal. Hes funny as shit, and knows the rules better than some current mods.
  7. Oh the brother excuse...this story sounds offffff
  8. +1 i love this kid lol. Hes funny as shit, and DEFINITLY knows the MOTD. Id love to work with him :D
  9. I personally don't have any problems with him, but I do remember him flaming in the past. I'm gonna stay neutral for now.
  10. +1. I honestly don't think I've ever had to slay him for breaking rules. Clearly knows the motd. I believe he would be a good addition to the xG staff
  11. Meh...im gonna have to -1 for now. Ive personally seen no improvement since the last time. Sorry man
  12. -1...I've had a couple problems with him.
  13. -1...used to spam useless shit on forums. Even now, none of his posts have any relevance or substance...he just posts to get another post.
  14. +1. Knows motd, and is chill as hell...
  15. This is a sad...sad day. We've been friends since the first day we met on xG's servers, we've been in the family together for forever now, and we've accomplished a lot with the family (though for some reason, there was a problem with that). To be honest, I'll miss u man. Keep in touch. Even if you aren't in the clan, I hope you'll still be on the servers? Good luck wherever you may go, and may Talos guide you :).
  16. +1. Ive had to ban him in the past i believe
  17. Snaxxx, look up "family reunion" by blink 182 :D
  18. You have the worst grammar ive ever seen. Did you just shit out random words and go "oh, lets see which ones we can make a sentence with...durrrrrr." your grammar is atrocious, and quite frankly, it scares me...
  19. Ur an idiot -.- give a reason why. How is this a joke? Hes a shitty admin. Dont make ignorant statements...