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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. -1, too immature and trollish.

    noone cares what u think speedlimit... but pizzaghost has been playing very long and would make a good admin (+1)

    Not in xG, not counted as a valid vouch.

  2. Why would you do such thing? I looked you up and saw the passed ban protest you made. I also read that you had caused problems with xG and the other clan (not sure if it's been fixed). I understand that's it's been over a year now, but before i decide what to put down, i wan't to see what others have to say about this.

    He wasnt the only xG member who massed, but since he had tags on, he was punished. Also, he hadnt caused trouble between clans, but in fear or it happening, he was banned. Tryong to remember one of the people who did it with him, I think genesis did(Pardon me if im wrong.)

  3. +1, it was for going on another server (mantis clan I believe) with tags on and mass freekilled. He wasnt the only one who did this, but he was the only one punished.

    It has been over a year, he has shown his maturity ( I coincidentally got matched against him on CS GO competiti e.) I guarantee the clan he massed on doesnt remember what happened AT ALL so it's not doing any harm.

    @DrLee @Tsuchikure @Hidingmaster

    Xeno Gamers

    his is the 3rd one down.

  4. Sadly, not alot of xG members scrim as much as they used to. Ill tag a few people, but whether they will scrim, still do scrim, or will read this is beyond me. I'd be glad to participate though.

    @Gawd @TurdWig @easy @Bryce @MineCrack @jubens45 @AnyoneElseWillingToScrim