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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. -1 for perm ban(+1 for some other length ban) It technically wasn't mass because you have to kill 3 or more Ts in ONE round, this was over multiple rounds. Doesnt mean this was right, but it still isnt mass. There we only like 4 ppl on, so it was more or less joking around, and you should have told him to stop, but none of this is actually allowed, despite the number of people on.

    Anyways, @diabeetus @Hidingmaster @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure

    P.S- @Tsuchikure

  2. Two words: Badmins.

    Theres no rule saying you have to do map games, so we cant help there(But, they cant do the same game twice in a row.)

    I agree though gamecube, ive complained about this countless times ingame, never on forums. Every map we have has soccer, except maybe 1. But what do wardens do? Soccer. Oh? We did soccer last round, this round is frlr, next is trivia!

    Lego is the best example, its soccer, frlr, repeat.

    All it really rakes is a good warden.

    EDIT: Shut up i was on my tablet the shit came out wrong.

  3. @Tsuchikure

    It begins


    @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure (@Tsuchikure ) @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure @Tsuchikure

  4. Unless the standards for tarping on TF2 are different than other divisions, this seems like a tarp to me.

    If you're giving Ts an order with the PURPOSE of tricking them, and getting massive amounts of people killed because of so, it's a tarp as far as I see it. As forest said, How do you know they're already rebels, you're saying "All rebels go to the ___ line", but that implies they were ALREADY a rebel, but you didnt see them rebel, nor have half of them rebeled anyway.