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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Im not gonna vote on this thread, but here is where I stand.


    I'm ok with Duckii Jr playing on the servers and possibly lifting his forum ban. But as of now I don't think we should let duckii back in the clan. This is not because I don't think he has changed but because of other people having hostilities towards duckii such as chorno matsi and muffin have shown. They and others as well have repeatedly shown this kind of resentment towards duckii and if he is let back in it will cause tension which has happened before with duckii.


    Now I personally have nothing against Duckii. If it was just about how I felt about him being in the clan I would vote, but its not. There are other people and letting duckii in would cause problems with other people, but I'm glad he is playing on the servers.

    If you think like that, most of the people in xG wouldnt be in xG because other people dont like them, even if its one other person. Him being in xG wont cause any problems, since the only difference is the tags and actual fact that he IS in. Anything he can do on the servers while he's not in xG he can do while he is in xG(Unless of course he applies for mod, which is a whole different situation, and not in this thread.)

  2. Tf2 was excluded because it doesn't really need any populating, its doing fine on its own, plus i haven't seen muffin or nom to talk to them about including it, as i did with bleed and @@Tsuchikure

    @@Tsuchikure @@Chrono

  3. -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...

    He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.

    I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.

    He evaded bans so that he could make a forum ban protest, other than that he really didnt post anywhere else, and he didnt do it for the sake of evading ban like "Hehehehhe I can post stuff on threads now."

  4. You're all entitled to hold your own opinions and whatnot but I suggest you really think about your decision. Some of you may be completely against a +1 for various reasons but consider that fact that ducking has stuck around for a long time even after being denied for ban protests etc for a long time. That is way more than most people who just put up a protest, get denied, and are never seen again. Imo that shows maturity, patience and hope.




    Any way you can edit the title to say his name? There used to be an option but it's not there now

  5. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    Duckii Jr

    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    7:33 PM - ShadowSpy: I have everything else

    7:36 PM - DuckMau5: That if people have played with me or seen me around the past month or so then they know I am active and I have caused no harm to anyone. Also that I'm a much stronger person now then I was in the past and way way happier, so I won't be causing problems. I'm living in the present, not the past. I hope they can give me a chance to see that I'm back to who I used to be when I first came to xG. That happy guy that everyone loved to have around and play with. :)

    7:37 PM - DuckMau5: The real me is back at last


    Meanwhile, I +1, he's active, he's been mature, he hasnt broken any rules.



  6. -1I don't know what has gotten into you guy's heads. She hasn't been NEARLY active enough to even be considered for a membership. (ShadowSpy, really? You -1d Dutchy because he'd only been on for two weeks, even though it was nearly every day of those two weeks. Dutchy666 - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers ) If we combined her playtime under this new account, "Britt <3", and her old one, "L0VE <3", we get a grand total of 8 hours on our CSS servers.


    One you've been playing for a while, I'll gladly +1. Unfortunately, for now at least, I can't.

    Dutchy played 2 weeks straight, and he was playing for a short amount of time, she has that little of game time, but she always hopped on, so she didnt play long each day, she played smaller amounts over more days. ALSO you're searching jailbreak alone, you can't search MG game time(Which I've seen her on alot more recently)


    P.S You smell

  7. I haven't the slightest idea why you continue to disrespect Matsi, continuing to do so won't lead to anything going your way.


    But what Matsi did is completely fine. Adam knew the rules and he decided he wanted to break them and disrespect matsi. What was he expecting from it? Matsi to laugh about it and give him a prize?

    So close? The new admin handbook proves what matsi did was fine, this has no reason to be open anymore @@Tsuchikure @@DarkWolf6052

  8. @@Forest I agree, the ban should either be A. Completely removed, due to the fact he was already banned 2 days (was banned at like 2 am on 1/18/14), it's 6 hours away from ban time, meaning he would have been banned 2 days

    Or B. Change ban to 6 hours, and make it so he served 2 days full

    EDIT: Or C. Higher ups can NOT unban him, and essentially piss off a ton of staff

  9. I'm Kirito. And for fudges sake I've said this or something similar to many god damn times already,IT DOESN'T fudgeING MATTER IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT TO BE TROLLING. AS IT MATTER WHAT THE VICTIM BELIEVES IT TO BE. I don't know when you became such a fudgeing beef n' fixin but. and you fudgeer i base everything i say on what i have read and what my damn ideals are.I could care less if you hate furries and him in general. THAT under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should mean you can do that kind of poo though. You need to re-think how you treat people, i used to like you and now your a fudgeing disgusting motherfudgeer who really should die.

    And for Stumpy's refrence: I am not being biased towords furries or Matsi)

    You act like stumpy is satan himself, holy shit he doesn't troll often. He did the stuff for a day. And you are being a bit hipocritical telling him to go die. And if it's what the victim believes, if you say "Hi" to someone, the person you said "Hi" to can look at that as trolling, your view is flawed, as you can say anything and that person can believe it to be trolling. And let's face it, in so many threads as far as I can remember, you have pretty much sided with DMs and HigherUps. Coinicidence? Possibly, but I doubt all your views are the same.

  10. "**It is up to you as a staff member to make the best decisions when handing out punishments. This may mean having harsher punishments for constant rule breakers, handing out different punishments than what are listed for valid reasons. Think of it this way: If the person you punished is to submit an abuse report about what occurred, were your actions justified and have valid reasoning behind them?" Is what Matsi is referring to.


    I'm pretty sure 4 intentional freekills, numerous attempts at freekills, and constant trolling and disrespect in one session can justify harsher punishments.

    The freekills would not effect the server ban, forest said so himself, matsi could have teambanned him the 1st time he freekilled him, but he chose not to, making stumpy think it was OK

    Stumpy isnt a constant rule breaker, so there wasnt any need for the harsher punishment(Especially when matsi didnt even follow the procedure for the normal time).