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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Ok, im not reading all six pages, but as far as the name goes, they are spelled different so you could seperately target them. Ribbit, every time I've seen you on you troll, and there is always either a ban request or report as a result.

    As far as tags go, K bye | Xeno Gamers . This is your goodbye thread, so unless you rejoined at a later date, you are not in xG

  2. -1

    Guarantee you didnt click the specified motd, because xG feels that it's best to have a shortened motd so they get the gist of playing, meanwhile they get slayed because they didnt know a rule since they only read the shortened one. But yeah. Lets just keep it.

    If they cant take time to read the full motd, they shouldnt play.

    Blame the short motd for your ban.

    And its not all the motds fault, considering the HUGE TEXT THAT SAYS TO CLICK FOR EXTENDED VERSION.

  3. All of you who say "-1 no explanation needed" those arent valid.

    I mess with jubens more than anyone, but I know he would make a good mod. He's played xG longer than almost all of the staff( not me though jubens, you bitchboy), has experience, knows the rules, and as much as you all say he breaks rules all the time, he really doesnt. When he does, it's dumb shit like freeshooting. Also half of his ct bans are either abuse or as a joke, and another quarter of those ct bans are for accidental stuff. And as far as all of his "arguing with admin" crap goes, he has a right to argue about his slay as long as it doesnt turn to disrespect or constant complaining after told why.

    +1, he deserves it more than some of the staff we currently have. Most of you are -1ing because you dont like him, not looking at whether or not he'd be a good mod.

  4. Eh, ganja does lose his temper sometimes, but a 5 minute ban isnt too important. The freeshooting thing does warrant a slay if intentional(This has been discussed before)

    There are no chat logs for admin chat, so theres no proof for that.

    Honestly ForestFire, you and Ganja have had differences in the past(Like when ganja was passing warden from you for no valid reason, but you were disrespecting) and I think you both need to work it out with eachother, somehow.

    Keeping a 0, unless more proof is shown.

  5. +1 for 2 week ct ban, the advertisements took over the motd pop up so now its even harder for them to view it, there is a link for xG forum in chat pops up every now and then during the round. Maybe we should make that stand out a bit more so people can see it and inform the simple commands like "!motd, etc" and motd links for the certain servers. @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Tsuchikure

    +1, This

  6. Im not saying working on hub is easy, but NOBODY IS WORKING ON IT ANYWAY. By dumb logic, you could say "TF2 gets more people, so lets make THAT better before the servers that ACTUALLY NEED IT"

    or, you could look at it more logically and say " Since TF2 is already doing well, why dont we improve the servers falling behind?"

    All I ask is SOMEONE work on it, instead of saying for a whole year that it's being worked on, just for it to not be getting worked on, or get abandoned.

    Hub wont solve all CSS's problems, but it will help population. If you cant work on a server, why have it?