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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. xGShadowSpy

    Joining Xg

    Yeah, seriously. TF2 gets more apps, and has more people, so it should be made to 10(or more)
  2. Do you work at a cemetery? Because you're digging graves. :afro:
  3. lmao Jubens, you're so fat you cant even lift your arm up to throw anything anyway
  4. Warrior's demotion is so unfair. It wasn't his fault, his cat did it!
  5. xGShadowSpy

    So Sad..

  6. Waiting for everyone to be like "Uh who are you?" Welcome back -ShadowSpy
  7. -1, plays league Thought my opinion changed? No, fuck league. too bad this isnt a valid reason.
  8. xGShadowSpy


    You're welcome, you typed it wrong so I fixed it for you
  9. xGShadowSpy

    Clan Growth

    Dont ya know CSS has a hub testing server, its on sliderace like it's always been, but considering that its on a SLIDERACE MAP i doubt anything is being done for CSS, huge progress here.
  10. xGShadowSpy


    Compared to him, you are.
  11. xGShadowSpy

    Zuh Thread

    Did somebody say ZUH? ALMOST FORGOT - @Tsuchikure @EarthLeaf
  12. I dont think this warrants a ban, atleast not with the minor and minimal evidence provided. But, +1 for a warning
  13. +1, you're pretty active. and you know the rules well, get active on teamspeak though. A:7.5 M:8.5
  14. Congrats @Forest Happy birthday @DrLee
  15. xGShadowSpy


    Join a Jubens club? Id rather get hit by a bus. 20 times in a row.
  16. This definitely isnt a way to lure all the canadians of xG into one place and launch a nuke at their coordinates. #EradicateTheCanadians #FuckHockey