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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Should be allowed for the Ts, invis nade is like the Infinite Deagle on avalanche, its a weapon(in this case, a nade) that is giving them a boost., Ts should be able to use it for rebelling, not during LR and stuff though. I agree with restricting it for CTs.
  2. Stumpy hasn't trolled in I don't know how long matsi, he's not even a constant troll on the servers I was told in a ban protest Scuba Cat made awhile ago that despite any previous offenses, you must warn them and follow the procedure each time, despite previous punishments(Unless it had happened that same day and they came back, in which you could ban longer). If you wanted to extend his ban, ban him for the day, then make a ban request to extend it. +1 for shorten to a day
  3. xGShadowSpy


    Well, Netex was perm banned like 6 times but we unbanned him so many times.
  4. >.> This is what, the 2nd or 3rd "sorry" thread, and for the same thing? Forums ban pls? #BusinessManWasLessRetarded
  5. Xeno Gamers - Player Information A few of these names have xG tags in them, your name sounds familiar(iReapZz, back in 2012) you were never in xG? iReapZz | Xeno Gamers You started playing(On this name) on the 27th of december according to rank.xenogamers so ill stick with -1 til you play longer. EDIT: You were accepted before Member App | Xeno Gamers Looking at your posts I see no goodbye thread, you should still be in xG. @@Tsuchikure @@Hidingmaster ^So would he still be in? Members dont get demoted for inactivity
  6. Oh god, TIM HAS POWERS? IN TWO DIVISIONS!?!?!? RIP IN PEACE XG! RIP IN PEACE I SAY! Congrats all, dat fast promo tho lee
  7. @@xGTim @@Bleed @@diabeetus
  8. Where's the mexican option? Cristo always rebels.
  9. Half of you wont know him, but, here it goes! 7:05 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Alright shadow, I'm going to tell you the story of xG 7:06 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Do what you will with it. 7:07 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: lol 7:07 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Alright so Silence was in edge gamers 7:07 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Or some other shitty CSS clan 7:07 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: With Troll face 7:07 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And they wee both mods 7:07 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: well they don't sign on for 2 weeks and get kicked out 7:07 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So they make xG 7:07 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And get some co leaders 7:08 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: They were Erro 7:08 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Red Berry 7:08 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And then those 2 7:08 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So jail break gets some popularity and Duckii gets on the server 7:08 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: They instantly give her Co leader because she's a girl 7:08 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: even before she joined the clan 7:09 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: (True fuckin story) 7:09 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So Duckii starts rapidly changing the rules with Silence 7:09 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And all of the other co leaders get really pissed 7:09 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And start fighting with Duckii 7:10 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Specificly Trollface and Redberry 7:10 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So they get kicked out 7:10 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: xG grows really quickly in popularity because they get a really cool regular 7:10 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: His name was Edison Glass 7:11 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Edison glass was the Bees knees 7:11 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: But one day 7:11 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Silence mass freekilled the jail server for about 2 hours 7:11 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So Edison got really pissed 7:11 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And created NigNog 7:11 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Which was his stupid tag 7:12 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: But he made his own server 7:12 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And got banned permanetly 7:12 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And everyone that joined his clan got banned 7:16 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Wanna hear the rest 7:16 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: yeah 7:16 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Of the story of xG 7:16 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: xG only got big because of it's really good community 7:17 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: And its ability for the people who actually didn't want it to fail to get to together and fix it 7:17 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So I join xG 7:17 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: I play a lot and there was this one guy 7:17 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Named MadEye 7:17 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Now when I played xG origionally I fucking hated it 7:18 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: I thought it was the stupidest fucking thing I had ever played 7:18 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: I only played it because my irl friend chip got me into it 7:18 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Or made me play it with him 7:18 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: One day I get super ultra mega pissed and create the family 7:18 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Origionally 7:19 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: It was basically me getting Warden and telling him that it was a family and to shut his whore mouth 7:19 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Which, is actually how it started 7:19 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: telling him? who? 7:19 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Mad eye 7:19 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: o 7:19 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: this was even before I joined xG 7:20 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Which i actually almost got banned for 7:20 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Because no one would stop saying it for the next 2 days 7:20 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Lol 7:20 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: lol 7:21 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So I meet my friends and one of them was Johnnymcg 7:21 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Now Johnny was hated by absolutely everyone 7:21 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: oh hes hopped on recently 7:21 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: But I'll tell you, he was a better friend than a warden 7:21 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Now xG added this really shitty map where the cells would automatically shut 7:22 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: electric razor? 7:22 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Maybe 7:22 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: there's a giant pool 7:22 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: I know the map 7:22 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: forgot the name, think it was an electric razor version, fixed now 7:23 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So he gets permanetly banned for cell spamming 7:23 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So we allexplain that it doesn't make any fucking sense. 7:23 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Stays banned. 7:24 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So I jump through the political hoops 7:24 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Get mod 7:24 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Meet Red berry understand the history of xG 7:24 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: cringe a bit 7:24 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Keep playing 7:25 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Netex joins the server 7:25 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: the first time 7:25 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: Hold on 7:25 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: Am I the ONLY one who thinks he got punished for trolling people who trolled him? 7:26 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: I don't think he should be banned but than again I just don't like xG anymore 7:26 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: alright, well go on 7:26 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So he freekills the entire jail 7:26 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Perm banned 7:27 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: No way of getting out of it 7:27 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Duckii unbans him even though the entire community says no 7:27 PM - | xG:A | ShadowSpy: Xeno Gamers 7:28 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Screenshot by Lightshot 7:29 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: that was the origional 7:30 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: So duckii, aegean,and silence basically let him do whatever he wants 7:30 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: For like 3 months 7:31 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Which I find out later 7:31 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: He only finally gets banned because 7:31 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: him and duckii get into a fight 7:31 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: (true fuckin story) 7:33 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Moral of the story 7:34 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: The game was only good because it had a community that acted like a family. 7:34 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Once that was gone, there was no point in continueing. 7:35 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: It's not going to get better if nobody fixes it. 7:40 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Going to warn you 7:40 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: I had a lot of people in my pocket and I couldn't do anything except slowly prevent it 7:40 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: Like I had Duckii, most mods and admins 7:40 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: and I still couldn't do much 7:40 PM - Xavien21 [The Family]: I wish you luck though
  10. @@Tsuchikure @@Hidingmaster He already got one open
  12. xGShadowSpy

    Gold Is Shit

    Gold is poo? More like league is poo:loldidntread:
  13. -1, you constantly ask for unban, and you have played NOWHERE near long enough to apply to xG.
  14. 1. Apple Jacks 2. Honey Cheeriors (not that nasty plain shit) 3. Dont have a third. @@xGTim Mine would be cin crunch but it gets soggy too fast
  15. +1, one of the highly active players, mature, been playing for a decent bit. Knows the Rules. A:8 M:8
  16. I ShadowSpy have read and understand the Admin Handbook
  17. Idk why, but lets hope it stays, we are having trails etc. Come back which may be influincing it.