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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. You were joking, Right? I would hope you are.
  2. THANK YOU! I tell him this every time he's on CSS.
  3. +1, active, knows the rules, and despite what anyone else says I rarely see him act immature. Been playing a decent bit of time. A:8 M:8
  4. +1, already been a ban request made on the same person for the same reason. Is disrespectful when ever she is on. Also you were banned for a day by @Bleed on 1-22 for trolling, racism, and refusing to take off tags Xeno Gamers
  5. You mean the hub testing thats supposed to be going on there? OH WAIT!
  6. Angel Beats is love, Angel Beats is life. Seriously though, Angel Beats= one of my all-time favorites. T.K. is best.
  7. +1 any of them are fine. Current is shit. @Tsuchikure
  8. I dont like these so much for last CT, but #2 would be a good intro song imo.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvkHIZg_954
  10. Well you could just ask @Tsuchikure AKA too many names to remember, but its because there's no setting and it's purchasable with credits
  11. So many vouches from people who dont play surf here (excluding a few). +1, im not extremely active on surf, but I played with you a few times and you seem very mature and you know the rules. Dont be afraid to hop on Jailbreak or Minigames to try it out tho. A:8 M:9
  12. xGShadowSpy

    The Wu Tf2

    +1, obviously 14
  13. @Tsuchikure Is there any way to make my chat tag a lenny face?
  14. xGShadowSpy


    Ok, +1 for Co then
  15. xGShadowSpy


    FFS. #BringBackMonica
  16. @[3389:@Tsuchikure]
  17. @DrLee changing my -1 to a +1, just tagging so I don't disturb your count of +1s/-1s +1, since I first vouched you have increased your activity, played much more, you know the rules, and I see no problem with you being in xG. A:7.5 M:8
  18. -1. Dont remove, maybe downgrade the large a little