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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. To be honest, its kind of hard for people to want to be active on a server that offers nothing. I get the whole "populate the server and randoms will come" but theres no incentive to be on our servers when they're basically all vanilla. Now granted I don't play too much anymore and im mostly just gathering all this from the repeated (x500000) posts on the forums. It seems like both the leadership and player base aren't listening to each other and both repeating the same failed ideas. Leadership wants activity. Playerbase want's customization. These two things are both going ignored because theres no compromise at all. You cant demand people be active on servers and when the servers offer nothing. There needs to be some kind of middle ground reached to quell is discourse.

    This exactly, silence wont work on CSS because he says people wont play It, yet its because it isnt worked on that they wont play it. All CSS is asking for from him is hub, but he cant even do that.

  2. Eh, People have brought this up before as A joke, anyone can lie saying "oh im colorblind I can't play this" or "I can't do this.." Your best chance is to either rebel, or to follow your Ts, or as said you can ask the warden, but he doesnt have to pardon you from it.

  3. 1. As far as hub goes, he had alot done from what it looked like on the test server they had up, some stuff needed fixing but if he added it the was it was removing the buggy stuff it'd be fine, hats already worked, but he basically trashed the idea of using time on hub for CSS so he could go work on TF2 since it's the "new popular division". Silence believes that since TF2 as a game in general gets more people than CSS that CSS has no chance of coming back, yet HG JailBreak still gets like 50 people(just checked, right now there are 33 people on, 8 of which are HG Members/Admins, on CS:S when we do have more than 15 people like 3 or 4 are in xG), on CSS, on JB. I've said CSS needs the work more than TF2, when that division already has a Division Leader (we have one, but at this moment he is a little inactive in-game)

    2. We can't just make a bunch of servers and try and get them all populated, best to make a few (about 4) that you know people enjoy and focus on working on those.

    3. I think before any of this JailBreak should be worked on first, but I agree on this. Good luck finding people in xG who will scrim on css, alot of people who scrimmed often either left or just got bored and stopped playing.

  4. After looking into it, you have had 2 other names on xG servers, one I remember, the other I don't.

    The one I remember is "[þĉ]þářŧş", which I can recall broke rules a lot, now I don't know whether you were banned under that name or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. Your last use with barts was Sep 9, 2012 7:42:46 pm.

    The other which I don't know, is "Counter$triker070$`-:}" Your last connect as that name was Nov 9, 2012 6:11:49 pm.

    So from November 2012, you haven't played for a year (most people stop playing when perm CT banned.)




    You better hop on once in awhile tho, or I'll find a new anal partner!


  6. I didn't donate before, but i would basically like to (Tried to a few times...) Trails are ghey anyway (I don't use them, people will always know where i am).. Just so i basically "donated" (even from somebody else) at least once. hue

    This really isn't a big deal. I have a 1/20 chance of winning, but if that is too much for you guys... count me out then.

    Set the trail to Team Only, CTs cant see it. That, and if you already have the tag thing from DM then you still wouldn't need to do this, unless you actually don't have trails and would want them. But it doesn't seem you do :x