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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I have no idea what this is (I didn't pay much attention other than donate, give away, post name, randomizer,) but i'll put my name here anyway.


    [PLAIN] MegaRobin | xG:DM:AM [/PLAIN]

    Youre already a donator, you have the trails dont you? Dont DMs get trails automatically?

    This is to give someone donator status so they get trails

  2. Nvm I didnt make a post about me leaving and I got told that I was still a member...... OLD ACCOUNT NAME : SheowynRh so if you see me with [xG] DJ_Audible_Swag dont forget I am SheowynRH

    You were never in xG, you made an application back in 2012 but it was denied by Serbian because you were vac banned before on that account.

    Why I should be in xG | Xeno Gamers

    EDIT: If you were xG-Rep, which is the steam group, you aren't a member, if that's what you were thinking

  3. Screw hub, let's work on getting a stable clan.

    I want to work on this, but I need help and ideas on what we should do. I want an open clan for as much discussion as possible, but without having to treat the members like sheep. *cough* SNG *cough*

    Just drop Hub for now, and let's focus on the clan.

    As far as CSS, the only clan problems I see are that a decent amount of staff(including 2 DMs) are inactive, but I do understand with school and all. Other than that it's just the population due to people not having anything new or unique to come back to(which is why a lot of staff stopped playing)

  4. -1.

    "Member Since- Yesterday"

    I haven't seen you on

    M: ?

    A: ???

    EDIT: 0

    You show daily activity, you seem to know the rules, but Im still against people just starting to play and joining, you've actively played since December 12/6/13 (Been a little over a month), that, and you made this app on the first day you started playing.

    Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History

    No problem with you though



  5. so did everyone else

    Yeah, C9

    Also yeah Major, I remember you. Old name Was xshadowspyx/ ShadowSpy, was a mod before you stopped playing. Whether or not you remember me doesnt really matter, but no doubt CSS and most other divisions lost their touch. Hub went down on CSS, and since then things gradually declined, not saying its only because of hub though. Some people have thought of things to get up population, but even when we do something like community nights(which is harder with our loss of servers like deathrun), population is only picked up for a day. It cant really be blamed on lack of organization, or even the staff. Id bring up why I think CSS is dying, but ive brought that up before, and nothing really resulted from it.

  6. Self-Explanatory

    C9 Stuff, if you plan on starting to play put your Character name and class. Not some submission thing, just so we can add you as friend/Guild

    Any requests etc. can be posted here, like if you want me to get certain guild perks then ask me and give me the name (Each requires 10,000 Guild Points, so I can't buy one if we dont have enough.)


  7. PC + Wii U Master Race reporting in.


    There's not that many note-worthy PS4 or XBONE games coming out that really convince me to buy the console. I got the Wii U because of Bayonetta 2, the Wonderful 101 and my favorite game series of all time, Pikmin 3. Everything else is either being released on the PC, or not even worth the box it comes in.

    <3 Pikmin

    Guys guys.... We all know Gamecube is the shit.

    This is what mine used to look like, I played Pokemon 24/7. I wish they made new pokemon games for other systems. I don't have a DS or nuthin


  8. Pinoy stated that some of the xG members have started playing tera again, and someone said #C9 which is continent of the 9th seal a similar game to dragon nest if you're familiar with that forgot to add alot of xG furries and chrono started playing it out of the blue. Hence why i asked why are they hyping it.

    Nobody who is playing C9 is a furry.(Unless I don't know that they are)