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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Please grow some fucking balls you stank-ass bitch nigga and show who actually are instead of cowering behind some fake profile. If you wanna be a pussy and hide behind anonymity go to /xg/ ya goddamn mouthbreathing fuck.

    After checking his account, hes from the GMod div, most likely from before the new div leaders. Doesnt leave many people since alot left for GG. He also has some bad grammar and spelling.

  2. Might I ask where the name "Infiltration" came from? The class looks really nice.

    Also, I have work today from 4 to 11, so I'm leaving for work soon, I'm going to let you guys give suggestions and check them after work.

    #easternstandardtime huehuehue

    Wait, were you asking for us to give you classes that were already made? Because the class I put is just what I thought up.

    Idk I couldn't think of anything else and Infiltration sounded OK

  3. Suck it.:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:


    @@Rena For bringing this to my attention. This is going to be my last post for the night.
























  4. Im going to post here cause i cant make a thread

    dayumxG is dying yet the leaders are not doing anything about it. That's pretty bad, Gmod was so populated but incomes a new Div-Leader who's so lazy to do anything about population and it died.. Same with Csgo, he was there and it died. And what's up with the new Co-Leader if he can't even fix this? There are so many server with no-one in it but why are they still up? Why is there someone who DdosxG several time still there in the clan? And what's up with all these DivLeader with no skills in their own division whatsoever, is it just because xG is becoming that desperate to fill the spot to keep it running? it's as if having no-one there at all. Well xG is destine to fail with incompetent leaders running it, As far as donation wide the clan is actually not making enough to support the servers.

    xG went straight downhill with the new arrival leaders and yet they do nothing about it, probably there just for power and nothing more, seeing how there isn't much activity on fixing this problem. Milk the tf2 division as much as you can before you guys start shutting off those other servers, sooner or later you won't have the money to support the server if you keep them all up like this. ahh how the clan use to be so popular but now it's a shit hole with many terrible admins and players, I do not speak to all of the xG but many.

    How longer will xG last, Let's stick around and see.

    I wish you the best of luck on your narrow future!

    Try getting new leaders maybe that will help

    Tho this post may be deleted for bashing and having truth in itthey want to over up

    Sign, Anonymous Member of xG.

    Good job stating the one thing everyone already complains about, lol.

  5. Apparently. I know a few staff members who didn't donate. They just simply got promoted. This would mean if they haven't, then they'll have to donate now to get access. I set it up so admins don't get the [staff] flag without having trails access [thanks to @@Chrono for fixing that]

    The ones who "simply got promoted" were the ones who got mod while we had Mod submissions removed. If the ones who didn't use the Mod Submission didnt donate, or you dont have proof of them having it, you leave them without trails. Instead of removing it for all the mods who HAD to donate for Mod Submission. And you said you know the staff members who didn't donate and justt got promoted, If you know who didn't donate why not just give the other people who made mod submissions the trails? >.<

  6. @@DarkWolf6052 To apply for mod, one of the requirements is to donate, if they didn't donate, they should have no staff powers (unless they earned it a different way that applying).

    I donated in 2011, before this new forum so the records wont be here, I would not have the email back from 2011 for this either, I already checked all my emails. And I didn't even use a paypal account either.

    I don't see how applying for mod isn't proof enough because if nobody closed the thread of the people who didnt donate for mod before their app, its the higherups at that times fault.

  7. Would the fact that people have to donate in order to apply for mod be enough proof to get trail access? Because I (and some other people) donated on the old forums in order to apply for mod and were just wondering if that would be sufficient. @@DarkWolf6052

    This, I donated back in 2011 when I applied for mod, and once more when I donated under whitestars account so he could get mod (Dont have any way to prove I did it under white's account.)

    But yeah, if we had applied for mod we HAD to donate, if we didn't it'd be closed.

  8. @@Rhododendron

    I was on sliderace with DarkWolf and a few others while hub was being tested and ALOT was done. Hats worked, trails worked, alot of stuff worked with the exception of a few things, we dont care if it's finished or not anything is better than nothing. What needed to still be worked on? Im sure you could get someone to do it if you're too lazy to do it by yourself.

    CSS used to be the top community (WHILE TF2 WAS STILL OUT), TF2 JB is doing better because you're actually working on that, CSS is doing worse because you AREN'T working on it. Hub broke and you basically said "Well, on to TF2!"

    There are other JB servers that still have decent amounts of players, so don't try to blame it on CSS being less popular as a total. CS GO gets more people because alot play it for it's competitive. Our CS GO server (even while up) had few people on it, if CS GO is actually so much better, it would've had more people.



    TL;DR- Do your job, stop making excuses, you're just being lazy.