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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. -1, it's minor abuse, nothing to warrant any major punishment.


    @@Kirigaya_Kazuto For as long as you are mod, you will have people calling you a bad mod(Mostly the people who are just pissed off about being slayed, even if it was valid), eventually you'll have to adapt to it.

    @@Matsi There are varying types of disrespect. There is a thing called "Admin disrespect", meaning they're disrespecting their job as an admin. Though it shouldn't be taken seriously, someone saying "You're a bad mod", or anything of that sort, CAN be considered admin disrespect. If someone called you a shit mod I doubt you wouldn't be defensive about it.

  2. *sigh* Cant believe this is getting added, it'll only cause trouble, but noooooooooooooo lets just go through with it anyway even though CSS is fine without it.

    EDIT: Want to add something, when I talk about the MOTD having too many rules, its because of unnecessary ones like this, that we are fine without.

  3. @@Forest If this was a serious roleplay type of jailbreak, we'd have a lot more stuff to fix and edit.

    Yes, being able to kill team mates makes sense as its survival of the fittest, but if you look at it now, any time someone is teamkilled they complain in admin chat, or yell at the person who did it. People will just get mad at being teamkilled constantly when they're trying to play. Allowing teamkilling for the Ts is a rule that we would be(and always have been)fine without, it'll only cause problems.

  4. By rotation that I put on the poll, I meant the gun changes every round, or few rounds, having to continuously change weapons on last Ct after killing people wouldn't be very useful in my opinion. I think the best thing we could have is a menu that pops up at the beginning of last CT that lets you choose your weapon, but we need someone to code it.