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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. See ya hex, had fun together.

    Anyways, its just that since TF2 is more popular silence wants to work on that, instead of CS:S. It'd make more sense to make all of them just as good instead of improving one and leaving the rest to go to shit, But what would I know? Im not the leader.

  2. it dosn't need to be changed it works well. Dont fix what isnt broken - Forest

    Not really, nobody specifed and put in the motd if you can shoot through doors or not, I get different answers from everyone, this is to specify that you can/can't shoot through it, and Also to change it so if they're near warday they're KOS, if the new rules not added, can we atleast have a specification on if its allowed or not? As i said i always get different answers for it. @@Forest @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052

  3. ban all was used dozens of times during Late night JB... noone ever got punished for it then even tho it was "strictly forbidden" and "'NEVER' should be used"


    He shouldn't get punished for doing something that made one round interesting after doing a vote, at least not any more than someone doing a vote to do something that affects the rest of the map, it's kinda common sense there...



    ^ Fixed

    Late night JB (Even though i dont agree with it, since it is downright retarded since people dont like getting slayed every 5 seconds) is supposed to be a time when people CAN do that stuff, this was during a normal day so it has no relation to Late night JB

  4. -1 Oh and about the thread, All this started because hex said something kona deemed disrespectful to me, was something like "shit admin" blah blah, Me n Hex are friends so I took no offence to it, basically all this happened because after kona warned hex for what he said to me, it was a back n forth arguement that escalated (I dont even know how silence got involved in that though), also anything alice said to me was just joking around anyway, and even if he wasn't joking I wouldnt really care because I dont get pissed off at stuff like that.

  5. I have a complete website to manage, TF2, MC, the entire backends for each server as well as the monster MySQL server we are using. I was under the impression that our CS:S division leaders were managing it extremely well!

    Honestly I don't care that you insulted me, although it's extremely childish that it wasn't constructive whatsoever. I can't speak for anyone else you insulted though, so the people that you insulted should have a say.

    Css Div Leader(s) handling it well

    One of the Div leaders(Poncher) had no powers to do something in the first place, then was demoted for being inactive on a server he cant do much to, And though hes done good so far, Darkwolf is currently sorting out his computer problems, and also (as far as i know) doesn't have much experience with Div leader, when poncher was a previous Co Leader, yet you couldnt trust him?

    Also, alice is mainly complaining about h;ub , something I dont think darkwolf has the experience to work on (If he does then I never knew that)

  6. "participation is mandatory" by this statement, unless they are actively running with no gun to the armory, they are not participating (if they have no gun, and there are no teleports to war day location) thus, you should kill them anyway and when they complain, call them faggots.

    There are so many times I wish I could just call the people complaining faggots ETC and not get yelled at for it >.< . Oh well.

  7. Ban @all in the past has been stated for us not to use it(If it wasn't obvious before), im not searching for the place or time it was said, but it has been discussed before.

    ALSO- I have a good idea. How about everyone stop arguing about something that has nothing to do with Aaron's mod app(talking about everyone bringing up hella), If you have a problem with what hella did before, make a report abuse on it, but seeing as the last one didn't get him demoted I doubt the next one would.

  8. @@MineCrack Yes, We'd have to SEE that T have no guns out, and admins and mods dont see everything(especially if they're participating in the warday), if they're close enough to the door to where they can be killed (with this rule) the Ts have no right to complain.

    If that T is freekilled when he actually had no guns and we didnt see it, A CT can lie and say "he had guns out." Then we cant do anything because we didn't see it.

    This isn't really adding rules, This rule is easier to enforce than the baiting a freekill rule, which is what we're replacing, instead of adding new ones.

  9. @@Matsi An example of Baiting a Freekill is sitting where CTs can see you(not behind a door, unless they can see through doors....?) and PURPOSELY not having guns so u dont get killed. When a T is moving to an area and gets shot when he didnt have guns out/ a CT didnt see him with guns out, its a freekill. And lets say they saw a T with gun out, then the door closes, he moves, and a new T with no guns is killed by the CT who saw the old T while the New T was going to the area. You cant be sure you arent freekilling when you shoot through a door, so we should either add the rule I suggested, or completely not allow shooting through doors

  10. I think that instead of the whole baiting a freekill thing etc. and the shooting through doors stuff, that we should make it so if they are within about 10 ft (Or 15 if you guys want, i could care less which one it is) that they are kill on sight. Not including if the warday area is too close to armory , and Ts are in that area just coming out.


  11. Sure theres a way to find out, refer to my post above. it would probably look like L date - time [sourcebans.smx] "aaron<#><steamid><>" triggered sm_ban (something) (something)

    Yes, they didnt find out while we were in the server is what I meant, apparently darkwolf ended up finding out later

  12. So him getting gagged/warned/maybe kicked all the time for him spamming his binds isn't probation?

    Once again, he doesnt do this "all the time" (You never play so you wouldnt know even if he did). He just started this yesterday (and hasnt done it today.)

    He started doing this yesterday because me, him, and a few others went on another server and were laughing about how people on xG only care if its the N word and not any other type of racism, then after that he kept saying it.