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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I honestly don't know where so many of you guys keep getting that freekilling 3 T's is only a week ban, because it's not. Freekilling 3 or more T's has always been classified as mass freekill, which has always been punished with a perm CT ban. Remember, what you did warranted a permanent server ban, I think that it's more than justified for you to serve out approximately a month of a punishment for something that's supposed to never be revoked, especially after getting un-server banned. -1.

    It has been a month since then, o.O

  2. Then it must just be you guys, I have no problem with it because Ts usually run off to a safe area and rebel (Usually far off, but you can camp and wait for them to come out and then shoot them). If they actually choose to rebel right in front of you and you can't shoot them before they fully pull their gun out, Then that T usually has it carefully planned out, or i just don't even know what to say about you CTs.

    Im not complaining cuz I'm on CT, i was dead as a T when this happened, I just dont like it :x I wouldnt mind if you gave a rebel option that wasnt so overpowered and gave them 100 hp, and maybe a gun of choice, but 250 hp + m249, hes basically a last CT without speed and ammo +

  3. The M249 has horrible accuracy and when an enemy is in front of you, you tend to spray and miss a crap ton. I don't think it's THAT op because you still have a fair chance to kill them.

    Yeah but by the time Ts get lr theres like 2/3 CTs, and with 250 hp+ the m249 when they have to follow you around and be close to you, CTs have almost no chance.

    EDIT: @@mtown81 You can do it with any number as far as I saw

  4. Please remove the rebel option in lr menu, by the time Ts get lr theres only a small amount of CTs and when the T gets the m249 and about 250-300 health he is too overpowered. When I originally made the "allow rebelling on lr rule" thread I knew this would end up happening since people have no skill with rebelling and feel they need extra boosts to help them.


    TL;DR(Even though this isn't long)- Remove the rebelling on lr option in the menu, make it so they have to find there guns and don't get extra hp and shit. If they are so bad they need 250 hp to rebel, they can choose an lr.

  5. From what was said earlier he was banned for camping medic, and shooting a gun out of medic. The camping part was fine for him to be slain for, but the gun was already picked up by a T, making it allowed. So the only thing he did wrong(from what has been said) is the camping, which even with the previous Ct ban, that alone doesnt warrant a week.