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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. @@Eden You have 6 +1s, and 8 -1s and "No"s

    Its not like all of xG hates you, and I know that some people who -1d did it cuz they dont like you, but some of them have good reasons, we cant unban ALL the people who mass.

    Thing is, you should be the last person we unban, considering it's been 3 months, then after this we should stop unbanning people, no matter what.

  2. yet you INTENTIONALLY dont perm them.

    And will continue to :) if you have a problem with it, you can try and get me demoted. But until then I will continue to admin how I always have.

    You can get demoted for that, so dont be so confident, lol.

  3. How is not banning someone for the maximum ban length allowed abuse? are you really being serious or just downs?

    Funny you're saying he has downs when he's right. You HAVE to ban them perm if they mass, NO MATTER WHAT, whether it be the circumstance, or the person, must be perm. They can protest it and get it shortened, but they must be originally perm or it is abuse. If you don't like the admin handbook's rules, dont be a mod, because you have to follow it's rules, and ban lengths.

    There's NOTHING in the admin handbook that says you HAVE to ban someone perm for mass freekills... the only thing it says it a list of the ONLY THINGS you ARE ALLOWED to perm someone for.... so maybe YOU should read it before you try and reply to my posts again. :)

    Lol, either way all the admins know (or should know, if they dont then I dont know what rock they were living under) that you have to perm if they mass, It has been discussed MANY times before, you know they are supposed to be permd for it, yet you INTENTIONALLY dont perm them.

    If a CT mass freekills (unintentionally) and is perm'd from CT, they are completely welcome to post a Ban Protest

    ^ This, They are meant to be permd, they can protest that perm.

  4. I already only ban people for 1 week when they unintentionally freekill more than 2 people because I'm not stupid and I have that thing called common sense... you should try and get some :)

    Matsi that's called abuse. We have set times we are required to ban them for. That's not exactly common sense. Freekilling 3 t's is a mass freekill and is a permanent CT ban. No less.

    @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo

    How is not banning someone for the maximum ban length allowed abuse? are you really being serious or just downs?

    Funny you're saying he has downs when he's right. You HAVE to ban them perm if they mass, NO MATTER WHAT, whether it be the circumstance, or the person, must be perm. They can protest it and get it shortened, but they must be originally perm or it is abuse. If you don't like the admin handbook's rules, dont be a mod, because you have to follow it's rules, and ban lengths.