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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. @@Warriorsfury Jacob was punished (the wrong way, though), Darkwolf wasn't.

    Darkwolf was warned for this MANY times. Minor or not, it adds up.

    @@Matsi You're being VERY mature about this, joined the JB TS calling us retarded about the thread then leaving it.

    Jacob had 1-2 minutes between the set of time he typed it, There is no exact time for it, but it wasnt CONSTANT to be considered spam. Also, If some other admin came to you after you disrespected and kicked you without gag or warning, I HIGHLY DOUBT you wouldn't be mad/complain

    @@diabeetus What jacob did was disrespect, MAJOR disrespect? No, but thats not the point, darkwolf didn't handle it right (as you know).

    @@Chrono 3 times by now.

  2. OH YA!!!! AND THIS plebwolf - Counter-Strike: Source

    and the message from Forest saying:

    Jacob was warned by myself (as well as several others) to not use that bind, as it is not only condoning pedophelia (which is not to be taken lightly), but also provoking further harassment of PuppyLuv, which she had reported was offending her. I had given out multiple warnings ingame just the other day involving the use of this bind to the point where I had to begin banning players on the spot for using said bind for the amount of an hour. It is getting out of hand (I have already banned Jacob for the use of this bind for an hour, and he still doesn't seem to get it). Shit isn't funny, nor is it something to be joked about.


    and here he is now... doing it again... WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE!!!!


    @@Forest ?


    I do not see any difference between "so what if i like having sex with little boys..." and when he was spamming the one about puppyluv...

    That isn't the bind he just used, this thread isnt about jacob thinking the bind was right, its about darkwolf not warning/gagging him before kicking

  3. Time for me to give my opinion

    @@Matsi It was all in one round, he didn't continue it the next round or anything.

    @@Warriorsfury The last 3 threads there were on darkwolf led to him being warned for the exact same thing, in baseball theres 3 strikes and you're out.

    With that, sorry darkwolf, but +1

    Everyone messes up, no doubt about that It's not like I dont mess up, and it's not like theres ever been a admin who hasn't messed up atleast once, But when the messing up is constant, especially if it's the same problem each time, it just goes too far with the making an exception.

    @@DarkWolf6052 I would hope you don't leave over this, you're a cool person, and you'll still have admin and a chance to re-earn it, same with me I know I have a chance to re-earn it so I dont take it in a bad way anymore, then again even if I couldnt get admin back I'd still stay, I spent too much time in xG to leave over that.


  5. But it made him aware that at we didn't appreciate his attitude on the servers. I don't know how much you've had the chance to play with him on the server, but it's the same attitude every time. I wouldn't have made this had I thought a week ban would solve the problem.

    Though if he's as bad as you guys make it seem, then shouldn't he have been banned more than he has already?


    Of course, but it comes down to fear of banning him. We know he would come on and argue it, and without proof it's hard to justify it. Now that we have plenty of it we can prove that he doesn't deserve to play here.

    If an admin is "afraid" to ban someone they shouldn't be admin, If they come back and argue, ban them longer. As I said before It's not his fault people only day banned him and didn't extend it to something like a week.

  6. 5 bans and a member protest thread aren't enough of a warning. If he hasn't gotten the clue to stop the trolling and blatant rule breaking by know then he isn't responsible enough to get it at any point in the future.

    His member protest resulted to not be useful, it was closed on request of the person who made it because it they didn't have enough proof, and he knew that Dms couldnt act off that thread.

    A 1 day ban is a warning, for something like a week ban, but it's not really right to go from 1 day to perm.

  7. It's for a perm, it's been going on long enough and it's obvious that he doesn't treat bans as a warning. Baiting wasnt what I considered trolling, but that he followed me the next round taunting me.

    The only ban lengths he has are day bans and a 6 hr ban, Its not his fault that you guys didn't make his bans longer, to jump from a day to perm isn't really right. You should week server ban, and if it is kept up then perm him, some people don't take day bans serious, when you extend the length they know they're in trouble.


    I like giving people chances and normally don't resorts to bans longer than 1 day, unless necessary. He was warned to stop complaining/arguing or he would get server banned, I probably should have but I was occupied with more than just him. And how do you consider 5 bans not enough warning already. These demos show a clearly lack of care for the rules. Why do we need to keep a him around?

    A 1 day ban is like a tap on the wrist, most people don't take them seriously, It is a warning in a sort, but it's not a warning for a perm ban.

  8. I dont think he should be permed from servers, if thats what this is for doesn't really say. And i dont consider the baiting part trolling, but he has constantly argued with admins, disrespected, broken rules.

    If to server ban, maybe a week or day.

    Teamban, I'd say a week CT ban also

    +1 , no perm


    It's for a perm, it's been going on long enough and it's obvious that he doesn't treat bans as a warning. Baiting wasnt what I considered trolling, but that he followed me the next round taunting me.

    The only ban lengths he has are day bans and a 6 hr ban, Its not his fault that you guys didn't make his bans longer, to jump from a day to perm isn't really right. You should week server ban, and if it is kept up then perm him, some people don't take day bans serious, when you extend the length they know they're in trouble.

  9. I dont think he should be permed from servers, if thats what this is for doesn't really say. And i dont consider the baiting part trolling, but he has constantly argued with admins, disrespected, broken rules.

    If to server ban, maybe a week or day.

    Teamban, I'd say a week CT ban also

    +1 , no perm

  10. Well it would have to be this. Here's a quick attempt at an example of the MOTD edit:


    Last Request

    A T may choose to rebel on LR, but it must be his first choice of LR, and after choosing to rebel, he is not permitted to choose an LR option from the !lr menu.


    Maybe make it so you can't rebel on LR unless its your first choice, and after choosing to LR, you're stuck as a rebel, and can be slain if you choose another LR.


    @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo

    Some things to add to that to clarify should be that if a T goes into armory before he LRs he can be considered a rebel, since the Cts have to follow him its basically a death trap.

    Also think that it should say the T lring isn't a rebel for having a gun, but only if he fires the gun at a ct ( or damages him any other way )