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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. -1

    You constantly spam your mic, Many people find you annoying. You don't know when to stop. If you get freekilled you bitch about about it in admin chat. I also find that u have a bad attitude

    Please consider that I am extremely active in the servers and my knowledge of the rules when considering.

    These aren't the only things you need to get in xG.


    You're annoying.

    Your attitude is just incredibly atrocious.

    Whenever you're on the server, you constantly spam the admin chat with a bunch of useless crap.

    You always bitch and moan to admins cause we dont "do our jobs."

    It's just ridiculous that you have decided you want to be in xG.


    -1 There is NO WAY you are 18 but that doesnt matter the reason im -1ing you is you are highly anoying if you get freekilled or see a freekill happen you bitch about it for the next 5 rounds if a mod / admin doesnt do anything because they didnt see it

    -1, very annoying and when ever he gets killed he spams the admins. He complains about everything, and when you are just trying to have fun with the game he ruins it by pulling put his, ' Well I know everything about the motd ', plus he doesnt know when to stop his annoyance.

    Nope. Not 18 ggnore.



  2. What @@MineCrack said. I've played JB for so long that its not fun unless you have friends on, When it's only 8 year olds who scream on their mic or randoms who dont know rules I don't enjoy it, Granted I still try to get on everyday (been off past 3 days since I been playing the mass effect series again, since I got bored needed to take a break from JB)

  3. You arent very mature, you kept yelling at this one kid then got into an arguement with someone else last time i saw you.


    Not to mention the fact you have only joined the server 10 times, and only have a total of 2 days connected. You have to spend time in xG to truly earn it.


    In the meantime instead of making a threain xG that just started playing our servers, we might as well make it instant over it.


    @@Forest Is there any way we can make a requirement for how much time you spent on xG before applying? Like 10 days connected, going by adding up the hours (which the rank site does for you)?


    Ive seen people who just started playing and have like no game time make it in xG just because people they know them.


    I'm sorry for that, my previous name is was MasterDerp, I've been playing for about 1 week on these servers.

    IK that, My point is 1 week isnt alot of time, xG used to be alot harder to get into and people had to really work to get in, I spent a few months playing before I had applied, its not that people dont know you, its just that itd be unfair to people who really work to get in. For us to let someone in that just started playing, we might as well make it so you're instantly in xG when you join the servers (not literally)

  4. -1 You arent very mature, you kept yelling at this one kid then got into an arguement with someone else last time i saw you.

    Not to mention the fact you have only joined the server 10 times, and only have a total of 2 days connected. You have to spend time in xG to truly earn it.

    In the meantime instead of making a thread over it.

    @@Forest Is there any way we can make a requirement for how much time you spent on xG before applying? Like 10 days connected, going by adding up the hours (which the rank site does for you)?

    Ive seen people who just started playing and have like no game time make it in xG just because people they know +1 them.

  5. Proposed server roation:

    - Deathrun (9:00-9:45)

    - Minigames (9:45-11:00)

    - AWP/Scout or JB (11:00-11:30/45)

    - GunGame (11:30/45-12:00/12:30)

    - Bhop (12:00/12:30-12:45/1:15)

    Why are times so messy, should just be an hour each

    Also, bhop and awpscout/Jb dont really fit community night well, should be replaced with buildwars and sliderace

    Edit I guess not buildwars, since that was removed

    We should either push awpscout to end or put TTT in there somewhere

  6. Doesn't really matter, it's been such a long time that if you were banned, came back and made a ban protest its likely you'd be unbanned for it.

    -1 for ban

    he's saying he had done it recently, and this was just asking to remove his powers etc. since he is inactive

    Well, he put this in ban request so i'd assume its not just for the powers reason, though thats a part of it.

    @@pspprogramer You got CT banned for it, as long as you don't leave before being CT banned you're fine.

  7. Here's my suggestion of servers.


    1.) Deathrun

    2.) Sliderace (only if possible, I know it's used for testing and shit)

    3.) Minigames

    4.) Gun Game

    5.) AWP Scout


    I suggest Jailbreak not to be included but if it is included, put it in like the middle of the list.


    Also, I'd like to be a Backup Co-hosts.

    Since apparently i didn't get to say this earlier, unless something fucked up..

    I'd say put JB just before Gungame/AWPScout

    Most familiar servers in a row, then the crappies!

    We don't have problems populating JB, so its pointless adding something so familiar that you would play everyday