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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I remember your name, and I remember going to RPG Surf Dm with a few other admins that were also called on to the server, I don't remember who they were so thats no help, but I don't often ban people for hacking, and when I get called on for it I make sure that they're actually hacking so I don't freeban them. It was most likely aimbot, since I'm not very good at detecting other types of hacking unless its blatant.

    Anyways I wouldn't care for a shortened ban as long as he's watched for it while on the servers

  2. Damn, it was so unexpected...

    Well, we had fun times in xG, you were a good mod, and really active (Im still most active :3 ), I'm not good on lengthy goodbye thread posts, so I hope you find another nice community to take you in, and everything turns out well for you.

  3. My proposal: To increase the number of days between wardays and freedays to 3.

    This is how it is....

    If people are messing up on how to count the days in-between special days, then they need to go back to Kindergarten.
