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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Well we aren't going to make the rules where we basically hand Ts guns, the fun in it is the fact that a CT COULD just come and kill you, with the rule we used to have where the CTs could just go was 10 times more fun, now you can just tell when a CT is coming since they have to publicly say that they are hunting, before you could be killed at ANY moment by ANY CT, it added suspense, and (no offense to anyone in perticular) the only reason that the old rule was changed, was because people complained "OH REBELLING IS TOO HARD, MAKE IT EASIER FOR US." Which isn't really a good reason for them to change it, but they still did.

  2. If his trolling is so obvious and happens so much, it shouldn't be hard to find evidence

    -1, lacking proof

    i did state i had no proof. But i have a shit load of wittnesses that will state Michael ruins the experience for everyone and everyone new to the server.


    Which is the one thing that has stopped anyone else from posting about it, although I really think there should be a point when there is a clear issue that we can do something about it. I would say that there are at least 10 people who can very easily say he trolls and causes issues everyday. At what point do we realize there is an issue and take care of it...?

  3. Theres a place near me that makes pizza called German pizza,nothing really German about it, its regular pizza, with less sauce but they add yellow hot peppers and chopmeat to it, best pizza I ever had

  4. +1 This guy is always on but with different names, gg to Shadow and Diabeetus. You've helped me through my second year of 8th grade and you griefed my minecraft server. It's all water under the bridge now and we forgive and forget. All I would have to say is read the motd once more and you'll be good to go! Hope you get far!

    A:8 (Plays with different names)




    P.S Mitch is gay

    He joined the server 12 times, and has a total of 1 day on the server

  5. The only way I'd ever +1 this is if he changed, which he had promised he has done and will do on every ban protest he has made, never once has he improved the slightest, everyone +1ing him didn't have 1st hand experience with him, or didn't know that other than the mass freekilling, he was a HUUUUUUUUGGGEE troll

    No offense to anyone who +1d, but know what happened before giving an opinion, he has multiple bans for trolling, multiple CT bans for freekilling, and even so comes and asks for another chance when it was already given to him

  6. Honestly, i think if he keeps making ban protests it should just be changed to a server ban like it was supposed to @@Forest


    I dont have a personal problem with you but you had way too many chances, accident or not, when you knew you had the chance of being banned if you fucked up you should have been more careful