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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. -1 faggot, nazi, freemason, probably in league with the Illuminati. Should be publicly stoned to death.

    Jk rorlcopterlmfao, + 1. Kool kat, very mature and knows the motd well. Yeah, he did do some stupid shit a while ago but everyone fucks up here and there. Great guy and deserves to be back in xG.

    White text Is gay now, its used too much

    +1 Mature, active, fun to play with



    Edit: Double post :/ edited out quote in 1st one

  2. @@Forest If its not the FrLr thing I was accused of loop holing for, then when did I loophole, and like I said I'm down for earning it back if this is denied anyway, was gonna do that originally, but its hard when you have 1 DM who is bias against you and many others

    The only part I ignored you guys was doing the race on tile after you guys said no, the warday on tiny medic I was never warned not to do before doing so, and after I did it that one time, you guys pulled me on TS and told me not to.

    The station part I didn't put them infront of armory the 2nd time, I sent them into ST and the new spray was comparably farther away than previous, and during that 1st round I wasn't told it was not allowed until after it started.

    Also you just warned darkwolf for being biased, he messed up on my report abuse, strike 1, messed up on chronos report abuse, strike 2, you had to warn him now, strike 3, I mean seriously I'm demoted for this minor shit but he's not demoted for being biased as a DM? How many more times does he need to be warned? I was demoted after being warned and continued doing so, the same happened to him twice, now 3 times, and he's not demoted? What he does is 10x worse and he's a higher rank. I would really hope you look at what he's done.

  3. Alright, the big thing you have to realize shadow is that as a staff member you are a representation of xG, you are the role model. The argument of the punishment being different is attribute to the fact that you are one of the faces of xG. If a non-member did these things it doesn't affect anyone else, but when an admin does it, it can affect everyone who is a staff member. When you got admin you knew that you are in a different spot that is much more important and visible.



    If all of the things you did were in fact breaking the rules, then it would be a legitimate punishment... But I do question a few of them.


    1) FR:LR.. I don't see how what you did was wrong at all. It clearly states you cannot do it for lr. In no way did he do it for lr, he did it so he could get it down to a final t, with the two that were exempt. There are 3 left... Did he or did he not do it for lr? He did not.


    It would be about the same thing though. If you exclude a T, whether they're there or not, having two Ts participating in the FR/LR would be very similar to determining LR with it. It would pretty much be a loophole on how to do it down to LR, while not activating LR by playing it.



    2) wardays: technically the areas were valid as they has 2 entrances, but the one on medic was very cheap and asking for freekilles. I personally don't have a problem with the one in race that dark showed, but this doesn't excuse you from doing it after him telling you not to.


    The first warday inside of race on Tiles, was not valid at all. This was already determined. Two doors can't be open at the same time. One closes, the other opens, and vice versa. This means its a one entrance area that he was warned not to do again.



    3) Ignoring DM's: can't say much about this since I wasn't there, but you gotta listen to them. If you disagree with what they tell you, have a civilized discussion with them. If they ignore you and say your wrong without answers or explanation, bring it to the forums. If you did blatantly ignore them, that can warrent a demotion if its a bad enough situation.


    4) Trust day: Eh, doesn't bother me very much although I don't like them in general. You know they are going to rebel though, so don't try to make it seem like you had no clue what was going to happen. Yes, it is their choice to rebel, but seriously? Everyone knows that you are doing it to make them rebel.




    I don't know if a demotion was necessary or not, I wasn't there in the discussion between you and the DM's, so I may be missing some information. In my opinion it would have been much easier to give you the ultimatum of: you will be demoted if you do another invalid warday or trust day. At least that is a very clear warning and had you been demoted then, it would have meant that you had no room to argue it. Again, it was up to them to decide at the time the best course of punishment. I just sense that a lot of this occurred out of dislike for each other, so the big question is... Did the bickering and dislike for each other influence the punishment?



    +/- 0 right now until I hear some more.


    I don't have any problem with Shadowspy. Gkoo and I both agreed Shadowspy was ignoring us after we warned him previously, and finally decided to take action. Shadowspy is pointing out that Serbian said not to treat different people differently; well we aren't. He is being treated the same. We gave our warnings. He ignored our orders. Just because it was done as a CT doesn't make it different. He was a staff member who we expect to be a role model to the lower ranks and other players.


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052


    As far as the "Similar to determining LR" part goes, I didn't do it for LR , there is no other real way to put it unless you're trying to find an excuse to make it look bad, Loopholing is exploiting a rule when it doesn't really specify something, then you abuse the part that isn't specified. I saw "You cannot do for LR" and I acted off of that.

    The warday in race on tile map, dark is correct, 1 is open at a time, but now that I actually think about it, that doesn't make it not 2 entrances, and it doesn't make the other door stay closed, the Ts can just press the button to open that one RIGHT after the other closes, there's no timer for how long you can open it afterwards as far as I see. So even though 1 is open at a time, it's easy to open the other really fast after the other T goes in, and it's still two entrances, so although I was warned for it, it's still a valid spot.


    Ignoring DMs- So if a DM tells me not to do something like trivia (that is in the motd) , even though its something in the motd I would have to listen? I would think not. Obviously I have listened to them for the most part, and the only reason I did any of these things (warday in race and trust day on station) over again after being told no is because there is no reason that it shouldn't be allowed. If the only reason it's not allowed is "Because I said so" (from a DM) then wtf? I wouldn't see a point.

    Trust Days- The one on blackout was wrong and I haven't done one since, the one on station ISN'T wrong because it's their choice, and yes hidingmaster im sure Ts will rebel, but that's only because they're Ts and that's what they do, I didn't say to go in armory, or imply it, like I said earlier does that mean we cant put them in big cage if it has any vents? It makes no sense. And I didn't ignore darkwolf on the trust days with station, I didn't do it a 2nd time, I moved the spray farther away and had them go into ST room.

    @@DarkWolf6052 , yes if another ADMIN did this stuff, he COULD be treated the same, but if you can't treat me the same as someone who doesn't have something like staff powers, you're doing something wrong, you can't change punishment due to ranking in the clan.

    @@Hidingmaster What you mentioned about the "Did the bickering and dislike for each other influence the punishment?", as far as darkwolf himself goes, I'd definitely say so, without a single doubt, any time I was on he PURPOSELY sat in spec to get proof on me for the demotion, now I wouldn't mind if it was for a reason other than he WANTED to get me demoted just because I want him demoted.

  4. On the race on tile, yeah I disobeyed what you guys said , and did a warday there once after you said no.

    This. You disobeyed Division Managers warnings.


    I broke rules as A CT, nothing I did related to my admin powers in any way, It's like if a CT freekills, but you gag him for freekilling instead of a slay, the gag is something COMPLETELY irrelevant to the freekill, just as a Demote is irrelevant to me breaking rules as a CT(Unless CT banned first). I'd gladly accept a week, or even month CT-ban rather than a demotion for something that has nothing to do with my admin powers.

    There is no set "process" for demotion over rules such like these being broken. You were warned by Division Managers to stop doing these days and yet you continued. You ignored Division Managers. Why would we keep you as an admin at this time if you ignore us more than once? It was a perfectly valid demotion.

    For the first quote, yeah, I disobeyed what you guys said about that warday, as seen I admitted to that, but I disobeyed you guys on something that didn't include me abusing, Its the same as if an admin says to any non-member, "don't do a warday there, invalid spot", you can't demote that person if he has no staff or membership status, it'd be a CT ban if they kept it up, its not like I disobeyed you guys by enforcing a fake rule that u guys told me not to, that'd have direct ties to my admin and would lead to demotion

    I didn't disobey you on station because the second time I did it, it was a distance away and I did so to send them into ST, Again though, doing invalid days as a CT is still a CT ban, its same as if a member or less ignored an admin if they said not to do something , they'd be CT banned depending on the severity.

    2nd quote, yeah obviously there's no process for demotion, but refer to the part in that 2nd quote about the "gagging someone who freekilled" You're using a different form of punishment than normal. In another example, if you were to slay someone who was spamming chat, you're using a different form of punishment than the regular.

    Look at this one part im typing ------>RIGHT AFTER THIS <--------- .

    I'll even leave it in bold to make it more noticeable for you, don't skip past it.

    If you can't punish one person the same as another for the same thing, you are doing something wrong.

    If a normal non-member wardened, and did THE EXACT SAME STUFF I DID, word for word, not a SINGLE difference, how are you going to demote him? You would have to CT ban him, am I wrong? Now refer to the part I bolded again, and apply it to that, You are punishing two people who did the exact same thing, word for word, two different ways, and ONLY because of their rank. That is 100% proof that you messed up. No matter how you put it. I'll go ahead and get that quote saying You cant treat someone else differently just because of their rank real quick, and edit it into this. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo and (Even though you had less or no part of it) @@Hidingmaster I want you guys to also read that bolded part, and what is below it, and for you guys to respond to that, and tell me whether I'm right or wrong.

    Like I said, I did shit wrong, and should be punished, with a CT-Ban, week or month, I don't care which one, if it must be month, i'll take that month way before losing admin.



    also, u have to either punish everyone the same way, or dont punish anyone, part of being a DM is that u need to be fair in your judgement and not give preferential treatment to anyone for any reason, its the same when you are in an upper management position IRL, you have to give shit to your friends just as much as you have to give shit to the employees that you dont particularly like. i yell at warrior and the people that i hang out with on ts just as much as i would yell at a random who joined on ts, im not like "oh dont worry, ill figure this out" or some shit like that

  5. @@DarkWolf6052 , as far as the one on medic goes, there was no previous rule stating it couldn't be on a spot like that, and I took yours and forest's word on that by not doing it afterwards. Then again it is still an area, just a small one, I also wouldn't exactly consider it a prop i.e. a chair that you can jump on that moves around, the tiny medic is still a stationary part of the map, and the top of it is a small rectangular area, cheap for the CTs, but valid

    The trust day on blackout I stopped doing after warrior came on and said you said "No" on teamspeak when cristo had complained about it on the server, on station the second time I put my spray near there was farther away, and I had sent them into the ST room, I did do a trust day part on station the first time, but there is nothing wrong with the trust day on station, its 100% the Ts choice to rebel, Me saying " I trust Ts not to run into armory" is pretty much(not 100%, but its also not telling them TO do it)the same as saying "Don't run into armory." With the logic that we cant send Ts into an area where they can possibly rebel, we can't send them to big cage if big cage if it has a vent, fuck we cant even send them around the map, they almost always have a chance to rebel, whether it be running from CTs, talking over warden, anything, now that's only with the logic your using. If I told a CT I trust him not to freekill, that in no way says or implies me saying "Go freekill!"

    The one trust day on blackout IS wrong since they are teamkilling, so I can see that now.

    On the race on tile, yeah I disobeyed what you guys said , and did a warday there once after you said no.

    As far as warday in deathrun gates on blackout goes, it IS a valid spot, just one that can cause confusion or freekilling (even though any warday can cause freekilling if you have a dumb enough CT)

    @@orangejuice I think you should re-read the loophole thing I did, none of it caused mass confusion, nobody was confused by it, nor having a problem with it other than darkwolf. Also note the fact, that I did this stuff as a CT, therefore my punishment should be CT ban related. I'm not saying you can't keep your opinion, go right ahead, I'm just pointing out those days I did did not relate to my admin powers other than 2 things, which are CT bannable.

    I'm not saying I did absolutely nothing wrong (Obviously I did, and wont deny it) , but half of those things there are either invalid (i.e.- The loop holing, the station trust day) , or CT ban worthy rather than a demote (Things that I did that are valid reasons to CT ban - The warday in tile race, trust days on blackout deathrun). Lets say I'm a CT and you warn cts "Don't bait", then I bait, what you are doing is jumping straight for the ban, instead of a slay. If any normal player did an invalid warday after being told not to, he'd be CT banned, just because I'm an admin, doesn't mean that you can skip the proper steps to dealing with a CT breaking rules. This was established on chronos abuse thread on you, he may have been a div, but you didn't follow the proper steps, which is the same in this case . I broke rules as A CT, nothing I did related to my admin powers in any way, It's like if a CT freekills, but you gag him for freekilling instead of a slay, the gag is something COMPLETELY irrelevant to the freekill, just as a Demote is irrelevant to me breaking rules as a CT(Unless CT banned first). I'd gladly accept a week, or even month CT-ban rather than a demotion for something that has nothing to do with my admin powers.

    Now, lets say you guys DID warn me, then CT-ban me, a demotion would be 100% valid if I did anything after that CT ban, without a doubt, and I would have 0 reason to protest it.

    If I were not to get re-promoted after this thread, and it were to turn out being denied, im not one of those people who will go act all childish and leave xG over it, or give up my powers, spent way too much time earning them for that, I'd still try and re-earn it, which is what I was going to do, except a few people said I should make one of these threads.

    Sorry if I came out as offensive to any of you, im just trying to make my point, and that happens sometimes.


    TL;DR - I understand this is lengthy, but posts like these always come up on threads like this, don't like it, don't view these types of threads. I'll only TL ; DR the actually bad things I did (in my personal opinion) - Warday on Tile in race, only 1 entrance is openable at a time, didn't notice til they told me that. Trust days on blackout deathrun (Granted I did stop after being told, BUT I still did it before, and caused mass teamkills) Those are the VALID reasons anything should happen, other than that these other things are not bad, and you can read why in my post.

  6. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    I wasn't banned, but theres no real section for this so....

    First things first, i ask you not immediately close this, if it turns into a flame war, just ban the person doing it.


    Second, this isn't off of me personally, people keep telling me i shouldn't be demoted for what I did, so im making it.


    Alright, to start, ill say what the demote reason was

    Loopholing- Finding an exploit in a rule, and using it to your advantage

    Not listening to DMs- thats self explanatory


    What i'll admit to - I did get warned about doing warday in certain invalid areas, and proceeded to do so anyway, the DMs had a talk with me about it on forums through private conversation, and on teamspeak once, so I can't say I wasn't warned for that.


    What I think was wrong about the demote - Even though I did the wardays in the invalid areas i.e race on tile, it has two spots to go in, but only one can be open at a time, opening one closes the other, deathrun on blackout(which is a valid spot imo, but was told not to because it could cause freekills), and a few more i dont remember off the top of my head, but i still did them. If any regular warden did that they'd be CT banned ( for however many times he did it, and for how severe they were ) The punishment shouldn't be demote just because i'm an admin.


    As for the loopholing part - *STRAIGHT FROM THE MOTD* - "First/last reaction cannot be played to determine lr."

    So i'm doing a round of wardening on sand, theres maybe 8 to 10 Ts , I say i'm going to do trivia to exclude 2 Ts from Fr/Lr, so 2 Ts get excluded, 1 being @@SonicRainbow , and 1 other who I dont remember, then i do first reaction last reaction with the main group, there is 2 ts that i excluded alive, and 2 ts still playing alive, note that you can't do it for LR. So with the 2 unexcluded Ts, i get rid of one more, making 2 excluded alive and 1 of the main group, darkwolf then slayed me and said "You can't do that with 2 Ts" (Which is found nowhere in the rules), I ended up doing it again on some other map, Then I was accused of loopholing for doing that, even though loopholing is exploiting a rule, I only looked for what I could do, and acted upon it.


    Thats basically it, im only asking for an un-demote since the stuff I was demoted for was invalid ( the loopholing part was invalid) and the Invalid warday parts (not listening to DMs) was taken too far, when at most that should only be a CT ban, for the amount of times i've done it i'd say a week or month CT ban. You also can't just not acknowledge the fact that im currently the most/second most active admin, and that i've been playing xG longer than all the current CS:S Mods, admins, DMs, and our CS:S Div leader .

    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@HighSociety @@Hidingmaster

    EDIT: I want to add something. I don't want anyone +1'ing this for the sole reason of being my friend give a reason please, and likewise i would hope people dont -1 for the reason of being my enemy, or that your "friend doesnt like me so you shouldnt like me either".

    Give your true and honest opinion on the situation

  7. Litigation is possible in this situation, if he were to commit suicide like tomorrow and left some random note saying he was bullied by a man name "silence" and that he was the cause of his death, silence would/could be facing many lawsuits and or prosecution. Not saying he would be found guilty in any way, but he's just protecting his clan because if it were to happen for some god forsaken reason this clan would probably be done.


    Example : The kid who said he was going to shoot up an elementary school just joking around because someone called him psycho is now and still in prison for about 6 months

    Lets say he did kill himself, banned or not, he could still blame @@Rhododendron , especially with the "unbanned when you kill yourself" shit, and in return, would put anyone at risk of suicide, at a HIGHER risk of doing it, him being banned does not take any reliability off of xG, like people who went in the channel and trolled duckiijr, they could be held liable as a cause too, I don't see how you guys don't get that. Anything after this isn't about your quote now, rpx

    It's like if you got bullied at a school, moved away to another school, but killed yourself because of what happened at the previous school, if you left something like a note saying they were the cause, they could still get in trouble at the previous school, so in this case there is no point in banning him when either way xG could be held liable, AND THATS ONLY IF HE ACTUALLY DOES IT. You say you don't want xG liable, BUT YOU GUYS EDGE HIM ON TO DO IT.

    If you wanna put it in jailbreak terms, if you restrict jumping, then tell him to jump before 5:00, it does not make it the T's fault for jumping, the warden tarped so he'd be liable for the T's death

    The logic in the posts you guys made before this on his other ban protests are fucking OUTSTANDING, "He's annoying on TS, so lets keep him forum banned, I don't have autism or anything for stating this as a reason" , that reason, has NOTHING to do with the forums, yet you guys find any half-ass reason to keep him banned.If any of you went into a depression, and had thoughts of suicide, if you got banned for the reason "unbanned when you kill yourself", How would that make you guys feel? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT YOU GUYS WOULDN'T DO THE SAME SHIT DUCKII IS DOING, TRYING TO BE UNBANNED, yet you all criticize him for it? You guys have down syndrome, I fucking swear, go get yourself checked out as soon as you can for mental retardation

    +1 if you havent realized this by now

  8. Your steam ID is wrong, you're never on teamspeak, you were never in xG, and you are currently banned for intentional mass freekill after being muted for being too young

    You also already made an app in late july, so it hasnt been a month since your last, and when u had that app, you lied about your age saying you were 16
