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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. all tron maps broken/bad, LEGO COPTER IS BROKEN AGAIN FFS T-T, half of them arent played, we play 3 overplayed maps then minigames crashes and we re-pick them.

    +1 this should also be a minigames map suggestion thread too

  2. Yeah, that was pretty dumb, and it wasnt a freekill since there was no time the warday "started", you only have to be on your way in when Ts can leave (without killing them, except in your case he left early, making it fine). I dont think it matters now but, for the hell of it @@John

    On a side note, as you said, yeah cs:s is pretty much a game of a bunch of retarded kids spamming that stuff on JB.

  3. -1, You always use your voice(told not to) didnt today, but its a lie saying you don't. You were causing problems telling people to shut up when all they told you was "Listen to the admins". You were constantly spamming admin chat by continuing to message us after we said it didnt matter, you were still complaining about a FREESHOT 1 round after it happened. I never disrespected you, so if the other admins did then k report them idc. I saw nobody disrespecting you, if they did i was alive.

  4. The thing is @@JustSavage, you're freekilling on a server xG knows about, and that is somewhat popular, when other xG Admins and stuff have massed or trolled on a server, its not actually a clan server and its a very small/depopulated one (One server ik xG people like to do this on is that RPG South Park JB shit).


    Anyways, see ya, you were fun to have around (Except when u killd me every time i rebelled).

  5. +1, we've tried this game before on CS:S once, it worked well (other than Ts leaving early, then again they will now too) and it's pretty fun. But added to the openable isolation, if CTs hurry can call it if its an auto-opening cells map it could work.


    And also they should be able to assign a "Stay back CT" with guns to enforce the time given, then once its the time they kill themself or let Ts kill them, since its never fun when Ts ruin a fun day.

  6. @@MineCrack Yes, but when, that was definitely not recently, and if i did it, then it was before we knew what happened when you did !Ban @all (I was pretty much the person to figure out it did that)

  7. You were disrespecting apple, saying nobody liked him, saying he was gay and a faggot, disrespect, banned for a day


    This is only 1 instance of it, didnt get any of the rest

    1oz. Halfbaked : Apple no one loves you u got freekilled cu ur a fucking loser

  8. Oh and also @@MineCrack, ever think it wasn't because of the attention, and maybe as hes thinking of doing it, he decides not to? Not all people who have suicidal thoughts go through with it, because they think of what to stick around for, what to look forward to, what to really keep them moving on. But then when he see assholes troll him and specifically tell him to kill himself, that doesnt help, and those people that say that stuff to him should really look over their actions.

  9. @@MineCrack, i know he has done this previously, i know there were threads on it, and i KNOW he was told he had one more chance, and if what is said about silence having a screenshot is true, he should post it here to shut us up, becaue duckii, even though i support you and don't want you banned from the forums, there was still a warning there.

    (this isnt focused on you anymore minecrack) BUT all of you who troll him like huge dicks dont know what he goes through in his daily life to be able to criticize him and make him feel worse, and what @@lEcho just posted is true, the only way the PD would even look at the web history etc. is if there was some sort of note etc. describing his reasons, and thats only if he were to tie it to the website. You guys tell him not to make suicide threats, but you troll him and make him feel worse, DRIVING HIM TO WANT TO DO IT. In jailbreak terms, you're "tarping" as if a CT says jumping is restricted, but then you say "jump".