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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I didn't put down your opinion, as you can see, I said he does spam too much, didnt wait long enough, and had alot of chances(even though he shouldnt have lost the last one), all i said was that most of it didnt have to do with what he did on forums, and even as you said now, you said when you interacted with him on CS:S and TS, its a forum unban request, not ingame or TS, which he is currently on.

  2. -1

    Generally annoying, makes fun of others who have different opinions, hasn't been a month yet, too many chances.

    "Generally annoying" Ok, he can get annoying with spamming on teamspeak or ingame etc., but that doesnt have much to do with forums. "Makes fun of others who have different opinions" I've never personally seen him do this, and even if he has, that wouldnt warrant a perm forum ban anyways. "Hasn't been a month yet" Thats the one part of your arguement that is really true other than the part about the spam. "Too many chances" Ok, lets say he had too many chances, why was his last chance ruined off of a rumor started by someone with no evidence at all? And to make another point, i don't even think you have much interaction with duckiijr anymore muffin, im pretty sure duckiijr doesn't or hardly plays TF2, and you dont play CSS, so if he does ever interact with you, its maybe on teamspeak, so if he annoys you there, kick him out of the channel, i believe you have DM powers on teamspeak like other DMs


    I just would like to say. You're a cool kid at times, sometimes you can be majorly annoying. However, suicide threats are serious. I understand that you say someone started the rumors about you. Previously though you made these suicide threats and were serious. I had a friend who made suicide threats, so believe me I understand. But really, what could be that bad in life to want to kill yourself? You're fairly young, things can't be THAT bad. Unless they truly are then I am sorry. I would suggest you seek counseling if things are that rough in life.


    However, what Silence did was right. He did what was best. I leave this as a 0 though. As I know a + or -1 would do no good. You were told it was a permanent ban, no chance of being unbanned. Sorry Duckii Jr.


    @@John So it was right for silence to ban someone without proof(atleast none that was showed publicly, if there even is any)? If you say yes that thats just dumb




    People who gave a +1 clearly don't know what you do. You've threaten suicide over 10 times and you're a drag to have on the forums. I'm almost certain it was Silence's decision to do this, he doesn't want to put up with it anymore. You were told to stop and now you suffer the consequences.


    :peeking: Get counseling before you come back.

    @@MineCrack I could be wrong about this, but i was told that it was you and some others that started the rumor,and if thats true then you obviously would have the intent of getting him banned, not making it silence's choice, i don't have a problem with you personally, but you aren't the most trustworthy person i've seen.


    +1, as far as im concerned, he was told that if he did it again he would be banned, and he was "said to have done it again". There was no evidence that he said it, whether it be a demo or screenshot etc. If there WAS evidence, that was only shown to silence, then why not show it to everyone else so we can reach a new conclusion? If duckiijr was banned without proof lets just ban everyone on the servers and say "Well, they could have done something"

    Someones word isn't proof, i could easily start a rumor about some shit right now (even if people didnt believe it, i still could) and it wouldn't make it true.

    DuckiiJr has been one of the most dedicated players on the servers for years, to ban him now off of something with no evidence is outright dumb. REMEMBER EVERYONE, ITS ONLY A FORUM UNBAN, HE IS ALREADY ON THE SERVERS, SO THAT DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

  3. Im not going to spend my time reading all 5 pages on a ban protest, BUT ill give input


    Sort of as forest had said before, We can unban him from CT BUT instead of swapping him, if hes caught going on CT(ON CSS) he is automatically banned from CT again by the current staff, with no say of an unban(any time soon).

    ALSO to point out, we did this with neteX, he wanted to be unbanned so he could scrim, and we all said he would be banned if seen on Jailbreak.


    +1, but ban him if caught on CT on CSS

  4. Not like I care now anyways,only a slay, I "baited" before he said you were pardoned,this has happened before anyways with people being accused of baiting if it was a rebel, so its not like i made this out of rage at you, im just clearing this up anyways for future situations since people complain even after i tell them. Basically you were just an added situation to the post.

  5. Ok, just wondering even though im sure u can't.

    Is it possible to bait someone who is rebelling? As in they weren't pardoned and at the time you are within knifing distance they are a rebel.

    As said, im pretty sure you can't, so just a question

  6. @@DarkWolf6052 I know xG wouldnt unban them, that'd be a derpy move.


    On another note, lets say he freekilled 2 ts, and it was an unlawful ban, he is a huge troll, who causes nothing but problems on our servers, so idk why hes not server banned, and forum banned for making unban threads constantly, if he gets denied, then he should just deal with it. And i haven't seen Dirty Dan on our servers anyways.

    @@SonicRainbow You may have never seen him freekill, but obviously you haven't seen him troll. TBH hes not a horrible CT, hes (definitely) not good, but the fact that he has trolled so often should be the reason he shouldn't get an un CT ban.

    Almost any staff member he has talked to he has told "I'll change" hes said it on the forums, and I'm sure tried messaging people. Not ONCE after every chance we've given him, has he changed whatsoever.

  7. -1, id rather unban neteX or towelie before you from CT, You never change and always troll NO MATTER WHAT you say you haven't changed, and if SOMEHOW(you obviously won't) you get unbanned, im gonna seriously watch you, that and you also haven't even been on the servers recently. And you have been given too many chances AND you keep trying, shits annoying, parent must give you everything, you seem very persistent on getting u way.