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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I think im the first one to bring this up, but IF he said this stuff on teamspeak, why was he forum banned? Maybe he has done it in the past on the forums, but it wasn't this time.

    @PoopyDoopy Would you rather be forum banned or teamspeak banned (I know you would rather be neither, but silence wouldn't completely unban you)

    @@Rhododendron If he were to reply with teamspeak ban instead, i think you should unforum ban and teamspeak ban, since this was said on teamspeak, not the forums this time.

  2. IDFK know jews forum name since i can't find it, but anyways, Jew has influenced people or told them to mass before,making it kinda Jews fault, but since it's a no balls thing, i -1


    You may lack the knowledge of the rules, but thats why the motd pops up the second you join, if you don't read it that is your fault, not ours (Unless the link to it ends up getting broken).

  3. Damn brock, i left for a few months during surgery and you vanished, never figured out what happened, anyways welcome back


    Oh also, what you missed was...ya know, like half of xG leaving xG

  4. Post about making ------> xG <-------- better, not CS:S better, yet you all respond with CS:S :/ . xG does not revolve around CS:S, sooner or later CS:S is going to die down, no matter what. CS:GO is going to pick up a majority of Counter Strike players moving to the next, newer game.


    Anyways, xG itself i don't see getting better unless we pick up some better people from the summer, or some of those people who favoritize/don't do their jobs/ don't deserve admin/ jerk off when we need something important done. When xG was good, it was because of the people in it, not the servers itself, we had fun people around the servers all the time back then, we had (in my opinion) better staff, and less xG drama which happens WAY TOO OFTEN and causes problems/people to leave xG.


    To make CS:S better, you need fun people on the servers, and stuff to catch someones attention and bring people back after playing (something like hub).


    TL;DR - This is a post about xG being better not just CS:S, we need fun people and better staff to improve xG, and to improve CS:S fun people and stuff to catch their attention (like hub).

  5. *high pitched voice* My name is leotekk and im

    Well here it is xG JB is or was the only thing I really enjoyed playing but it's gotten boring the past month or so. I would hop on to awp/scout for a bit but eventually got boring. I might rejoin later in the summer when the servers get populated but for now I'm out it's been really fun when in xG.


  6. #inb4wediscussmymasssmite


    Warrior, im half doing this because you brought it up and half doing it because its true

    If you think that since one person is banned for doing the same thing and anyone else should get the same time for doing it, then you should still be perm'd, as stated by the unban reason on the bans.xenogamers thing, its because you were begging serbian and poncher to unban you, which happened less than a day after, and only demoted once.

    Steam Community :: Group :: DemoteWarrior2013 New campaign started by Diabeetus

  7. +1, for shortened ban, she was afk the first few secs in armory, and orders were given to go to warday area in like 2 seconds after start, then cells were immediately opened, so she didnt know what happened, and on any other day they would not have been freekills, only because they were allowed to leave.

  8. He's thinking of the !hats !trails thing with the hat packs, that we had before hub, but anyways it's actually under construction(Not exactly going fast, but it its), i was on slide race testing it with other admins and it was pretty much OK