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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Now i understand rainbow has disrespected more than that before, but @@Warriorsfury if you truly take offense to him calling you a "dildo eater" or saying "stfu" then lol, imo nobody should take offense to being called something they aren't (Unless you are actually a dildo eater....)

    And warrior, dont complain so damn much because that day i ungagged the guy you gagged for saying "Furry laying down the law" or some shit like that, you went and complained to darkwolf about it

  2. -1, stop trying to change shit that is already a strict rule, if you cant rebel dont take rage out on forums to make a rule stricter (THATS THE ONLY REASON WE HAVE THAT RULE, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE BAD AT REBELLING AND WANT TO HAVE AN ADVANTAGE, EVEN THOUGH TS OUTNUMBER CTs)


    Permission to rebel hunt?[/url]


    In case no one is aware, back when I was still a DM this was still an issue and that thread (the one posted above) was in progress. No one ended up saying anything and it was never implemented into the MoTD when suggested that it would be. Directly copy+pasted from that thread:


    "A CT may Rebel Hunt under a reasonable assumption that a Terrorist has Rebelled or is missing (IE. Head count, hearing vents being broken). Before Rebel Hunting, the CT MUST let the other Guards and Warden know what they will be doing through Public Chat or Team Chat."


    Hopefully this will be resolved now with yet another thread regarding the same issue. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@PiNoYPsYcHo


    - Dat guy, Forest



  3. With the lack of mods we have compared to admins, we almost always have an admin on, and with the warden plugin there are now few moments we have to say its a freeday, and if mods dont have (ALL) we can still let them keep the private chats (@@) So I +1 that part.

    Although this part isnt necesarily abuse, when an admin/mod spams ***FREEDAY!!!!!1!1!!1!111!*** 10 times in a row, its all chat spam, and THAT should be restricted, meaning if you have a bind for it, hit it ONCE, and dont make a bind that says it 20 damn times.


    I agree with the admin/mod disrespecting some part also, since you started it(unless they continue it way after you are done).+1


    Although i think its just as easy to access a staff member on steam, You have to be active on TS just to apply, so it makes sense to be on there as an administrator. +1

  4. It is after five and your a T. The warden says look at him at all times. Then the warden says to turn around and face somewhere else.

    The Warden has ordered you to turn and face somewhere else, therefore their previous order is null and void. If any T gets killed for doing what the Warden has ordered them to do, then it is a freekill. Remember that if Ts are not following the Warden's orders within a reasonable amount of time, they are delaying and may be killed.


    Even if it is after 5:00 and tarping is allowed, this doesn't mean freekilling is allowed. Tarping in itself will honestly hurt the CTs more then it will the Ts (end up with CTs being slain for freekilling due to a tarp order).


    To sum this all up, if the Warden has ordered you to look away from him, then you Must do so, otherwise you are delaying the order, which is a killable offence.


    TL;DR - If you are killed for looking away when the Warden told you to do so, then it is a freekill. It may be a tarp, but a freekill is a freekill as you were simply doing orders.


    - Dat guy, Forest

    Any time you need to sum something up, get forest on the job

  5. Lets remove all the maps and play on that map where you slide around a rectangle that has all the swasticas on it, the one that was accidentally put on the day parabellum was added and we tried admin-switching to it.


    Also its only my opinion, but we should remove the maps CTs dont use, and even though this would never go through:

    Lego(FR LR, Simon Says, and Wardays), Summer(Same as Lego), Sand (Only used for ManCannon and Wardays, maybe an occasional minefield) Kittens (Just bad) Iplay (bad) Bunker (Not used) Hellsgamers (NEVER picked ,and boring anyways).

  6. Wait but did he say squidward then "be doing this by (2 seconds after his current sentence)", because the time between squidward and "be doing this by..." is already 2 or 3 seconds, idk if you did or not, but you hqve to base it off the end of the go command other than the be doing this by command

  7. Ill admit,(and i think you know this) at one point, i just plain hated you, but now its more of a like and dislike combined thing

    I like when you are more of just a normal friendly player, or atleast not being a huge troll

    I dislike when you troll and disrespect

    On a serious note, have fun, and feel free to scrim with us if u want and we need ppl

  8. What Diabeetus said is right, and as i had said on the John post with you, if the warden says "Be in by ( )" then you have to be in the area by a given time, but if they dont say that, just be heading there, if they leave at 7: 00 and you got there 6: 51 it IS slayable since its a decent period of time, but it wouldnt have made a huge difference if you weren't killing ts. As far as i've seen through admin chat, other admins seem to have some "grudge" on you, idk why, but anyway, it wasnt really a freeslay, and he could have gotten a notice in admin chat "blah blah isnt here on time". And as said, there is no thing in the motd saying you have to be in at a certain time.